Well said. I'd like to extend on this thought. My mind was toward professional/ business ambitions. There becomes a point in your life when you enter the workforce. Some people work day to day without any professional ambition beside to just survive/ pay bills. Do you think this makes a person any less if they don't have professional ambitions or goals?
I can relate, well, at least my ex could. I told her she needs to find something that'll make it worth waking up in the morning. She traveled. Her new ambition was to work and go places each and every month.
That's tricky when they feel forced into living a life that they don't want. I think that being repelled by work is natural, and I wouldn't say that not having professional ambitions is weird. I just think we need to readjust our narrative to suit reality. Often, we can't do the things we want to do without a career. I personally have an ambition because I've always wanted to improve the world, and from politician down to teacher, I've allowed that to drive me towards a profession. I have dreams of other professions for my future that may be more beneficial. ... That's just my relationship with "professional goals". I think most people find meaning in other places, like in building families or just in becoming comfortable. Totally a personal thing, but work and money are often necessary for those things, and you don't need to feel guilty or like an ingenuine professional for not having your work be your primary concern/interest. Those who put too much into work, like some men in Japan, end up dying or committing suicide because they don't get enough of what really matters... the punani. Just do what feels right.