kicked from a cc club

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by iMarshmello, May 5, 2018.

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  1. Wut. No. Thats my misc :lol:
  2. You don't know their main?
  3. O well. Nice then ?
  4. Well, I'm gonna go ahead and assume its her rs/pupil.

    But yeah, I really don't know.
  5. My rs is not my main . My misc is from buying shit ?‍♀️ maybe this is my main pls be nice and give me fight losses
  6. I'm trying. Kinda hard to do when my account is horrible and you're like 3 or 4x my stats. ?
  7. Your doing fairly well. Im proud of you.
  8. Well experience trumps everything so
  9. I'll farm you for 50mcs.
  10. Way to small pls come back when atleast 2 mcs
  11. Sorry jaco. I'm keeping her pinned as best as I can. But i cant do it all day so..

    You'll have to wait awhile :lol:
  12. Im half full ☹ not pinned havent been
  13. O. Thats weird :( i hit you and dn until it says dtw :(

  14. Maybe its your size ?‍♀️
  15. Yeah I can't imagine a 2mcs succeasfully getting through a 14mcs. :roll:
  16. Well i figured since you can challenge a cat club full of 15mcs+ you could farm me better. My mistake
  17. I said with others. If I had a decent account, I could do it myself. I don't,but I'm working on it.

    This is almost like Public Enemies again. With obvious differences.
  18. Stay on topic please
  19. I have/had roughly 10 accounts that some of you know of. My big alt could be kitten's size and still successfully hit you. Stats don't matter. I'm in the range of being hit by LCBCs on two accounts. Why do you think high stats are farming big stats with accounts they drop stats on?
  20. Okay dont do stupid stuff or annoy ricos or whoever and you would have enjoyed your last 5 cats... so sad tbh
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