What can you give to the society rn?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by lIlIllVash-The-StampedelIlIllI, May 4, 2018.

  1. ?((¯°·._. ώhąţ ȼąɲ ¥µ ǥɨ˅ ţ ţh $ȼɨţ¥ яɲ? ._.·°¯))؟

    There are a number of people on pimd from different cultures and age groups and set of different belief systems.
    What I ask you is to share some knowledge here and enlighten others so that they don't do the same mistakes in their life or maybe mistakes in general.

    So, please share some knowledge and write something about what you think can change lives of these random people here share something in a few lines that will be useful to them for the rest of their mortal lives.

    Try not to fight and make this a debate thread and get it locked eventually.

    I have to sleep according to GMT +5:30 so I won't be here if the thread gets derailed at that time, I wanna sleep as well

    ~lucii/vashie out

    Please refrain from breaking the ToU or Forum CoC.
  2. First, I'd like to say that we live in a society
  3. caught me in the edits,ty kefo senpai ?.
  4. Mhmm, going to sleep you say. But that green button says otherwise 
  5. It's 3:00 pm acc. to GMT +5:30.
  6. Can I derail this and get it locked? :/

    You'll wake up to a locked thread again bruv looool
  7. Crack isn't as fun as they tell ya
  8. Agreed ?%
  9. The devil once took the form of a snake, whispering in eve's ear. He told her it would be okay to eat fruit from the tree of knowlege that God strictly told Adam and Eve not to eat from. Because Eve listened to the snake, and not to God, both Adam and Eve were cast out from the Garden of Eden to struggle.

    Listen to God's word, and life will be great. Listen to the devil (whom takes many forms to try and deceive you) and your life will be full of struggle.

    This is one of the first lessons all Christians learned in life, but still many are lead astray.
  10. i feel like every night someone goes on your fridge and pees in your milk carton so when you go to fix yourself a bowl of cereal in the morning, you are met with that hybrid emotion of disgust and disappointment. you take it out on others because you have no proper emotional outlet. you're sad and lonely.
  12. Everyday, I create art and use my my talents to bring joy to various people in the world with my original works. There have been times where I had nothing to give, but a few dollars and my talent even here to help people in forums that needed it more than me... and I never once hesitated to do my part. It has never once bothered me whether it was acknowledged or not, it’s just how I’m made... I would do it regardless because I can.
  13. you make a fool of yourself , that make us laugh at you which is good
  14. My undying knowledge of history
  15. It’s obvious that you can’t help but watch every move I make. It’s flattering when you guys get it right, and hilarious when you guys get it wrong. Entertainment either way.
  16. Didn't you claim I made fun of depressed people, but look at what you're doing... please don't EVER address me with any false accusations, EVER again. That is all, thank you.
  17. to me , you are similar to monkey at circus , the purpose you exist is to make fun of yourself and make us laugh
  18. Do you even english though?