I invited you to this and you said no I’m pretty sure crystal said she invited you as well. But i left like a month ago tbh
Also, Jopo you admit that it was a girl under 18... and had somebody on an alt claim she was 19. I hope people stop listening to your lies. You don't make $46 an hour, you work in a sweat shop. You act as if I ever indulged in the same sinful activity as you pedophiles. Pedophilia is illegal BY THE WAY! Why y'all got vids and pics of little girls?? NOT TO MENTION THEY'RE FROM 5-6 YEARS AGO... but you same people called me a creep because I'm not gay. Y'all make me sick.
That wouldn’t really work considering I’ve had numerous arguments with the people listed above. Would be hilarious tho if someone was arguing with themselves can you imagine ?
And you noticed the explicit pics/vids of the girl under 18. Not to mention all the hateful, spiteful mentions of other people
Videos and pics ? When I was in the gc it was just vash and kefo spamming dead memes You was removed from the gc for harassment. Stop throwing lies because the truth came about you
No. I didn't harass anyone. Alli is proof of that. Try to lie if you want to. Kiibo, Flocc, Vash, Vice can all confirm it wasn't for harassment. I didn't even pm you people
Try whatever lies you want, but I got several witnesses. You might've been sleeping when they sent them. Idk. All I kno is, the ones of you who targeted me fucked up. Y'all tried to make me into some monster? Now the sad exposure says otherwise. So who are y'all to judge a straight male because he won't be gay? Who are y'all to make me seem less that utmost greatness. Stop the small talk.
I ain’t even gonna do into detail about the reason why you got kicked because its not my place to say. But I’m going to take their word over yours, just like the majority of people did in that gc. ??♀️
My whole thing is that it seems like no one is protesting that it happened either... it’s not like people are saying “yeah... that was wrong” or... “yeah we kicked the person that posted that immediately”... or “nothing like that will ever be allowed again”... and all these revelations just make me wonder what else you creeps are up to. That’s mostly why I never liked you or messed with you in the first place... something just seemed plain off about you. So yeah... miss me with whatever gc has any of that bs going on in it period.
I left the gc for my own reasons not any of the lies Jaco is trying to spread tbh. All that really happened in the gc was a spam of memes, discussions on new thread ideas (appreciation, comps etc). That’s what I saw anyways I’m not reading through 999 messages
Normally, I would ignore it... but this doesn’t sound recent... so let that man speak. When exactly did all of this go down Jaco?... I see six years... I see four years... right now I’m curious to know how many of these people were involved.
I go in and out of gc a bunch and have no clue what they're talking about which is why i haven't protested or agreed. I assumed other ppl were in the same situation
Trust me if I saw that crap I would leave I ain’t getting in trouble for that. But I did not see what Jaco is claiming with my own eyes so yeah I call poo poo
All I can say that group chat is nothing like that anymore. What he's saying sounds like it took place years ago. Honestly most times in the gc now... it's memes or dog pics or general banter. Complaining about work. Occasionally we gossip. Post funny ss of people in wc.