
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Jayboy, Apr 27, 2018.

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  1. I read the first page, thank you but I'm done.
  2. then don't complain about a lack of meaning because there are plenty of deep posts throughout, if you skim past the arguments
  3. I'm sorry if I don't have time to look at people's witty comments about their opinions on humanity and how to keep peace or whatever they are discussing.

  4. But you're on PIMD so dont say "you dont have time" or else you wouldn't even be here. ?
  5. I am Flocc
  6. They literally shared a video of a 14 year old girl sucking a corn on the cob like it was a dick yet you're calling him a creep? The same people all of you trust so much be the worst ones. If the legal age consent where he lives is younger than 18, your bs opinions on what's morally right vs. what you think is morally wrong, don't matter. I'm not defending him either, it's just... at least he doesn't have child pornography on his phone.

    Most of you in said gc talk shit about each other behind each other's backs and y'all don't even get along most of the time. Then, too many of them have and issue with heterosexuality. It's never ok to hate being straight. NEVER. Stop tryna emasculate males for not being gay, damn!

    Oh, and sure, I saw the messages he sent them... but do you see the messages they send to these PIMD dudes? C'mon now, lol. They're all wrong, including him, but he admits his mistakes.

    A male who can admit when he's wrong is a man. Leave his mistakes in the past. He's still learning that he can't trust everyone.
  7. SHE WAS NOT 14 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    SÈXT ME !!!!
  8. I came in the thread hoping to see informative and inspirational stuff. Guess that's forums for ya.

  10. Ok Jaco lets pretend like you werent asking for the video multiple times after hearing about it, and when you were told multiple times no one had it as it was SIX YEARS AGO when she was 17 years old, you got butthurt and left because you couldnt see if "its true that white girls give better head"

    But yeah lets leave that out. Also the fact that no one has the video so stop fúcking asking for it.
  11. I’m really disappointed in a lot of you. Some of what I’m reading is absolutely disgusting. I mean we’ve had disagreements and all, but I’m finding out some of you are real life scumbags. Creepyola af. IDFWU at all.
  12. That sucks that you think I'm a scumbag now since I was actually starting to like you :c

    Altho this thread did take a very dark turn at certain points
  13. I didn't call James a creep at all so please don't put words in my mouth, that was quote from the ban list in the gc notes.

    And most of the time we aren't shıt talking and even then we rarely do.

    There's only been 2 arguments in the mouth I've been there which is good for a group chat with almost 40 people in it... I think it's a quite different group chat with a different atmosphere than when you were in it.

    Also in James' reply he completely denied everything so idk whatcha mean with "at least he admits his mistakes".
  14. All I'm saying is you complained about a lack of introspective thought and there were plenty of introspective responses throughout the thread if you bothered to read it.
  15. I’m perfectly fine with being not cared about/disliked by most people on this game/forums for being “too cool for the room”. I’ll eventually find a different room to be in where I’m not so cool I guess... Maybe one day I’ll get to know you all better one day and find out that this is all a misunderstanding of some sort somehow... but rn idk... looks really bad.
  16. I don't think it looks bad for everyone though. But yeah I agree I always hope things are a misunderstanding and/or people grow from their mistakes, like I mentioned I did earlier in the thread.
  17. Okay, well I apologize.
  18. The one I'm talking about is 19 now, five years ago she was 14. You're talking about someone else. Please, stop defending pedophiles
  19. It's pathetic that you have to lie. "Now she was 17." 17 is still under 18, here in the U.S., where you also live... that's illegal. I never asked for the video. I never pmed you people. I didn't leave the gc, kitten kicked me after he figured out who I was in the gc as I've stated on previous threads. He has an issue with me knowing he's a man who changed his gender. I guess he thought I didn't know about him and the dev and the sugar daddies and several other males... but now he's a "lesbian." Lol. Not once did I ask for the video of that child. All of you would've screenshotted it and I'm sure Brittany would've posted it on an alt if I did. So what you're doing is spreading false information, which is against ToU. It's kinda sad to watch to depressed adults fall deeper into depression over being outsmarted by a teenager. And no @Haily I'm not making fun of depressed people nor am I using depression as an insult. I'm stating facts.

    Jopo no one believes you at this point. The girl in the video is presently older than me. I would've been... a young teen? Idk
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