Don't Make Me Wait

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 4NIC8, Apr 23, 2018.

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  1. I'm not the type to hurt you.
    I'm not the type to desert you.
    I'll never ever do you wrong.
    What we could have is strong,
    So don't make me wait too long.

    Ass fat but stomach the opposite.
    I'll tell you where yo throne at,
    So you can stay on top of it...
    Oh? You ain't know it's like that?
    Look I know you got options,
    But I'm that nigga with connections.
    I think you plus me equals perfection.
    Come chill with me in my section.
    Still breathing is clearly a blessin'.
    Still enraptured by pretty women,
    I guess I don't ever learn my lesson.
    The liquor got me feeling right,
    While your admirers hate out of spite.
    Shawty you look like a snack,
    So bring dat ass right back.

    I'm not the type to hurt you.
    I'm not the type to desert you.
    I'll never ever do you wrong.
    What we could have is strong,
    So don't make me wait too long.

    Can I grasp your attention?
    I know I'm the one you mention,
    When you're feeling lonely.
    Don't just throw yourself on me,
    You gotta let this develop slowly.
    I pay so much attention to you,
    That my groupies feel underpaid.
    I'm joking cause they get slayed,
    Every time you walk through.
    I got the time if you got the energy.
    You know I'm hot-headed, yet...
    You still slide thru to chill with me.

    I'm not the type to hurt you.
    I'm not the type to desert you.
    I'll never ever do you wrong.
    What we could have is strong,
    So don't make me wait too long.
  2. Don’t make me open another thread like this expecting content and leaving disappointed.
  3. I kno you're an alt too, but you're still a nobody. You didn't have to comment nor read it for that matter. No one made you do anything. You chose to do so.
  4. This guy really is crazy
  5. yes indeed
  7. Why don't you just post your lyrics all on one thread instead of creating multiple threads.
  8. This
  9. because he seeks attention duh
  10. It's so devastating what people call music nowadays.
  12. this isn't music. these are lyrics
  13. Yeah and lyrics to what exactly? Books?

  14. Yeah. Poems are all music.
  15. But not all music are poems.
  16. It was sarcasm.

    You said it was music. Music is expressed via harmonic frequencies. Sounds.

    Looks like a poem to me. Like you said, not all poems are music.

    Also doesnt matter what your take on "music" or its lyrics is. It's an art of expression. Not yours, the author's. It may not be music to you, but it is music to somebody.
  17. Because I'm not a follower. I don't go out my way to please irrelevant people.
  18. Irrelevant person. You didn't have to read nor comment. Requesting lock.
  19. You need to retire, this is utter wannk
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