Put The World In Shock

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 4NIC8, Apr 25, 2018.

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  1. Game on lock tighter than dreads.
    Get a refund if you put a price on my head.
    Slip up and lay in your death bed.
    I got all eyes on me like the late Pac.
    Can one man put the world in shock?

    Bitches wanna wet me like a levy,
    But those thots will never get me.
    Stick up kid tryna make a difference,
    But the world is obviously still dense.
    They want to laugh at my expense,
    So I brush them off like some lent.
    My shine is extraordinarily opulent.
    So in life I can never be transparent.
    No weed but I can't roll in peace,
    And so many people want a piece.
    If I fade to the darkest shadows,
    It would only fade cause of my shine.
    Fuck racist cowards and gallows.
    They only cause chills in my spine,
    But there are so many in the area.
    These nightmares cause hysteria.

    Game on lock tighter than dreads.
    Get a refund if you put a price on my head.
    Slip up and lay in your death bed.
    I got all eyes on me like the late Pac.
    Can one man put the world in shock?

    I know people put their checks on me.
    It feels like a witch put a hex on me.
    Game on lock and I can't let it go.
    Act savage and I let animosity show.
    I know all eyes on me on the low.
    Something even an idiot knows.
    One-sided when I exchange blows,
    And the world is full of dense fellows.
    I guess each attack makes em compact.
    I know each gangsta persona is an act.
    Took a trip around the town,
    And they failed to take me down.
    My success put them in shock.
    I gotta keep the rap game on lock.
    I keep mad bars in my brain's stock,
    Until I hear that final tick-tock.

    Game on lock tighter than dreads.
    Get a refund if you put a price on my head.
    Slip up and lay in your death bed.
    I got all eyes on me like the late Pac.
    Can one man put the world in shock?
  2. Hm, I guess it's kinda weird reading it like this but I think if I heard it rapped with a rhythm and beat, then it would feel alot smoother.
  3. The right rhythm and beat can make a cook book smoother
  4. This dude still typing shít in a gay ass forum?
    Give up already, you’re not white enough to be eminem
  5. Dead
  6. I'm not white, I'm black and my dick is bigger than the width of your head. I don't post my best stuff. I experiment on here. I don't want to be anybody, but me. Nothing worthy to imply, the don't read or reply.
  7. Lmao I'm weak
  8. That’s some pretty big asterisks, but ima do and say what I want k
    Tf you experimenting, if you think you’re that good then go record something stop posting crap in a shít hole like here
  9. Should I sell all my crap or should I recycle it all
  10. Trade it
  11. I dont want more furniture
    I should recycle it all
  12. Sell for rare showcase items
  14. Requesting lock.
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