Not Explaining It Again

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChocolateThunder, Apr 29, 2018.

  1. I'm not narcissistic. My confidence comes from being proud of myself. I don't think I'm better than all of you, but I know I'm better than everyone hateful, spiteful, fake person on here. If you're the type to switch up on someone who wouldn't do the same to you, then you're trash? Never assume my jokes are a defensive mechanism.


    Ayo @Mod get a hobby too, you corrupt clown
  2. Who else has called you a narcissist other than me a while ago? I don’t recall reading that
  3. who butthurted you this time
  4. So, Mod, you're not banning him though? This is harassment, spam, and sexual harassment. Gay people don't get a forum ban like straight people do, huh? Ok
  5. The 4NIC8 Hate Club
  6. again if word butthurt was that bad , ata wouldt make the soothing cream gift for ppl butthurt like you
  7. First of all, you're just a gay predator who's been harassing me for over two years. Secondly, I'm not with that gay shit. I'm done being lenient and nice about it. The punk add mod should do their job and stop being biased about who gets a ban. That's childish. The mod might as well type, "I don't ban my friends or gay people."
  8. but jaco im not gay , why are you so homophobic
  9. You ARE gay. And I'm sick of this, "it's wrong to be heterosexual" attitude y'all have. Backwards ass people
  10. jaco im sure im not gay , why so butthurt anywah
  11. Everyone knows you're gay. You've admitted it on one of my threads.
  12. I'm pretty sure most ppl on here are straight. The only ppl i've seen mention same-séx inclinations on here are me, kitten and that one alt who created that thread where she was like 'ban straight ppl' or smthing
  13. Naw, it's all over forums.
  14. High, my name is Floccinaucinihilipilification
  15. when did i say i was gay jaco please show me
    and stop being butthurt
  16. Only for his scooter tbh
  17. but i sold it and has new one
  18. Does it have the smile tho
  19. not at all , old one was better