How many of y'all

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Redzie, Apr 25, 2018.

  1. Sleep with the fan or have some other weird sleep habit?
  2. Need the fan or white noise if I’m not in the city
  3. I sleep with a heater and 3 blankets.
  4. I sleep with a fan
  5. I can't sleep without the 5 foot tall teddy bear DragonLily bought me.
  6. Sleeping with a fan on isn't a weird habit tho
  7. I can't sleep without you
  8. I need huggy pillow & fan to sleep
  9. I am scared of the dark so I sleep with my fish tank light on, and a light on outside my door, and the TV on because I hate the silence.
  10. I like to make my room freezing af and then sleep with 10 blankets ?
  11. Wot are you Asian
  12. I sleep with my music player playing sleep Playlist
  14. Wednesday is no fun guys? I thought it was funny. 20% funny if you get a buzz and read it, but damn.
  15. Excuse you >:0
  16. Sucks to be trash
  17. I cant sleep with the fan on. That thing makes too much noise. No lights either. Total darkness and silence is perfection.
  18. What did I tell you about joining cat clubs??