[Comic] Online game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Creator-INK, Apr 25, 2018.

  1. ===++===++===++===++===++===++===++===

    PIMD Love Story!


    Online game’s love dilemma

    Special thanks to one of old PIMD players for sharing this beautiful love story!



  2. Oh ? I didn't expect that. It was beautiful tho

    How can you expect me to keep happy and smiling after that? :(
  3. I literslly just did this less than a week ago. WHY YOU GOTTA MAKE ME EMO

    Oh but 11/10 best creator in the whole PIMD. ?
  4. Awwe sorry :sad:
  5. when you being a hoe is really evident in this game.

    But then again, we can't really blame the boy for moving on.

    10/10 on the storyline!
  6. i think this story is the most common love story in pimd...
  7. Luv this? anotha one pls
  9. Thought it was gunna have a happy ending :(
  10. It kinda happened to me but… she left forever
  11. I always get happy endings from Ling Ling. She love me long time when I go to her shop for massages
  12. Awww It’s sad but this is pimd after all
  13. Beautiful
  14. she probably got married already lol
  15. Hope it won't happpen to me but very true only two face of love story happy and sad ending...?