
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Redzie, Apr 24, 2018.

  1. What do people do who aren't artistic or have a creative outlet? Where do they start?
  2. Everyone has that. You just have to be confident in what you do.
  3. Tbh everyone is artistic and creative in some way, just gotta own it
  4. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. Maybe you think you're not artistically/creatively/musically inclined. It's fine. But that doesn't mean you're not good at everything else.

    You should start by identifying what you're good at. Then ask yourself if you can make money out of it. Ask yourself again if that's what you're passionate about ans would like to do it for the rest of your career. Lastly, ask yourself if you can contribute to society by doing what you love.

    (I'm just elaborating on the concept of "ikigai" here. You can go check it out for more details.)

    Hope this helped :D
  5. Entry Level Corporate America.
  6. ???
  7. in a snack wrap!
  8. Start a ‘101 mostly creative ways to kill yourself’ list. Think of something painful. Write it down. First one need not be original. Test it. If it fails move on to number 2. Rinse and repeat. Being more and more creative each time.
  9. if you believe you will achieve