Let’s make something clear... Pink and gold roses come from the same box, right? They are also both common, correct? They are also both needed to create an avi, yes? So, the only difference between them is their color... and the fact that pink is worth more than gold? They are the SAME exact thing, just different colors. So why are the players of PIMD so stingy to make pink roses 2 bentos and gold only 1? How about you make them both 2 or both 1 k? K. Don’t be sexist and make it harder to get the female avi than the guy one. K? Thanks.
There is a higher demand for pink roses, so that's why they may be more expensive. Anyway, I have seen them both go for 2 bentos or both for 1 bento. It depends on the seller. Maybe you're just not finding good sellers.
^ Also prices are decided by demand and supply. If everyone is looking for pink roses, they will cost more. Don't like it? Don't buy it.
Be happy thats all it costs coz the only way to get them in the 1st place is buy with real money. Price coulda easily been way more then what it is
Retàrded males make the prices. And females also make the prices. If females like it more than the other, then it'll sell more. There is no logic. Booty and money rules PIMD with an iron fist.
Yes^ Prices will drop by summer ,if it bothers you to pay a premium first couple weeks just wait? but it’s still a 60/60 avatar you can get just by trading your items/bentos its not bad P.s. buy my pink bouquet 20mcs any items???????
I dunno wot this is about BUT SUPPORT TO DA CAUSE. also If anyone is selling a 1.5T tut with decent stats and sorta activeish wall me cuz having 1.5t out got me like scurred. Good luck with da cause op.
This tho^ Literally how all market pricing works, rl and in game also, TEACH ME LINKING CAUSE IT DIDNT WORK FOR ME OMG