One of my favorite things to do, is chop off the limbs, dip the torso in liberalized oil, deep fry in a large stinking vat, and feed those wimps to my dog. God I hate vegans.
Tofu isn't as good as what you're making it seem like. What it has in healthiness, it lacks in tastiness. Yes, I made up a word. Tastyness, idk
You're not supposed to eat tofu plain, bruh. You season it when you cook; tofu is whatever flavour you want it to be.
What I don’t get it is, when people become vegans or vegetarian. Why do they then actively seek the alternatives of the food they gave up For example; vegan fried chicken, Vegan doner kebab, vegan bacon. I think it’s really dumb, you choose to become a vegan or a veggie. If you miss meat so much that you’re trying to find alternatives. Then clearly it isn’t for you