Valentine’s Day

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iDontCare47, Feb 14, 2018.

  1. Happy Valentine’s Day. If you don’t have a valentine I’ll be your valentine k, but you gotta buy me chocolates and roses. If you have a valentine still buy me chocolates and roses pls. But fr, Happy Valentine’s Day ;)
  2. No
  3. Suck it up sweet cheeks
  4. Suck it up, sweet cheeks
  5. V-A-L-E-N-T-I-N-E-S-D-A-Y-Day
  6. so what did you do on that day
  7. I cried in the shower cause I didn’t have a valentine and ate chocolates my mum bought me
  8. What did you do after you finished crying tho?
  9. I ate everything in my fridge cause I’m a fat ass, then went to bed
  10. Ok, what did you do with the showerhead is my indirect question.
  11. You were there, you should know
  12. Actually, I wasn't there. See, I was hitting up dat free premium. The whole week of St. Patrick's day was free premium week which bested free premium day on Valentine's Day. I had to take a leave from work do to "medical issues." It was a total of 192 hours to myself, getting to kno HANDjula and Rosy PALMer. Pure bliss
  13. You’re nasty, leave me alone
  14. My nastiness is none of your concern, big fella
  15. Wow I already know I’m big you don’t gotta rub it in my face :( kiss your alts rs goodbye
  16. Wow, it's literally a popular video and you just took it to heart. I'll kick her goodbye on my 4NIC8 account tho
  17. We once had a whole conversation about this video, I know. Physical contact? OOoOhHhH Jaco
  18. I told you my name is Joseph or Jopo or Hoepo or HoHoHopo
  19. I’m telling Jopo you’re trying to steal his identity