What's your image of Forumer?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Creator-INK, Apr 12, 2018.

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  1. Oh Shoot...it was meant for the real flocc btw... one of your old ign is Evil-President? am i right?
  3. Can confirm
  4. She’d abuse you how she abuses me
  5. No, I need my grass cut tho, see you soon
  6. Cannot confirm. I ain't do that with you
  7. I was hacked, I did not type that

  8. Kind of but that wasnt me-me.
  9. ...it wasn’t you-you??
  10. It was Wyatt when I sold him my ipod.... 2 years ago?
  11. I'm so lost tbh
  12. I’m not saying I raped you, I’m just saying I put something in your drink. I’m not stating what happened after that, it was a magical night tho
  13. O. Buy another iPod and sell it to me, but for like a dollar cause I have no monies
  14. Whoa, you weren't there. You might have given me the pill, but you probably just got off to my snores. Idk, you're weird
  15. it was your belly button silly, not your snores Not even, I just sat there and watched you sleep
  16. Disturbed
  17. You weren’t disturbed when you were asleep now were you
  18. I don't feel comfortable around you
  19. Good, stop responding and met me have the last word now
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