Did anyone else just see what Trump just did? Y'all called him racist for so long... Guess it's time to shut da fuck up and actually do your own research. Dude's a decent president. Most hated, but also the most underrated. Better than many before him.
Don't you dare. You better Google what the man just did and show him some respect. America, we've been in debt, but it's time to become great again.
What am i supposed to be looking for? Have googled but cannot find. And is this sarcasm or did he actually do smthing nice
You're hating on third world countries but dont you live in a shíthole city? Cant really say anything buddy.
some old rich right wing white dude: *literally murders someone with a k.k.k robe on* y'all: some old rich right wing white dude: *moderate centrist opinion that doesn't directly harm anyone* y'all: SEE HE'S NOT SO BAD!!! YOU WERE TOO QUICK TO JUDGE!! HE'S GONNA SAVE THE COUNTRY!!!! this really how y'all be
I still can't find this supposed good thing he did. I give up since is not that interesting and am not even american