Hermes or Captain jack Sparrow

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_MERCEDES_FAN_-, Jun 20, 2013.

  1. As Crystal said on page 5 "is that supposed to change my mind" Parphrased it. Also I can't take a guy who says you won't like me when I'm mad, while using lipstick emoji, seriously. 
  2. Best post. 50,000 for the lobsters
  3. Whoever*

    That's tough, Hermes as a God from Olympus has a certain edge over my favorite captain, but Jack Sparrow is certainly not your average's kind of a tie...
  4. Captain Hermes Sparrow
  5. You gonna get in trouble for bumping old posts, brah.
  6. Hes remembering the good ole days
  7. I'll vote Captain. 
  8. Caption hook ??‍♀️
  9. Come on ATA, where is it?
  10. Is this still alive?