@Females Any Opinions?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 4NIC8, Apr 12, 2018.

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  1. That’s your opinion. Others would disagree
  2. It most definitely is, tf

  3. Probably Squares [ ]
  4. Breathing near the same gender is cheating. Must stay a yard from other genders
  5. ^ everyone has to walk around with a stick to make sure they’re a yard apart
  6. That was sad to see tbh
  7. Fuck you and that cross eyed faggot
  8. Ok, I get it damn, it's still better than kissing a mouth full of kids, right or wrong? Damn!
  9. "Boys will be boys..." Look, you females need to really communicate and get to know a guy before just trusting them. No disrespect, buy y'all fall for some of the most obvious players. You can't ignore anything, stay aware of what's going on. If the guy is confronted about his actions or lacks truth or change, why even stay or put up with him?
  10. A guy 100 times richer than you and he isn't even considered a good center...
  11. I respect stripper cause of some reason :) and i would love to date them
  12. Whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm not triggered, but strippers spread more STIs. You can't be trashy because you're dating a professional athlete. Look, even some homeless guys have game. They sell a dream and it's often bought. I just want to know y'all opinions on the matter. No arguments, geez, lol
  14. Fuck you faggot, not literally
  15. Yo, I'm not even on 4NIC8, but it says I am ATA, fix this bug, lol
  16. Cheating is crap, fullstop.

    But if someone cheated on someone with you, often they’ll cheat on you too later down the track ??‍♀️
  17. Agreed~anyone who has ever cheated is not date-able material imo
  18. Anyone who has ever been okay with someone cheating on someone with them, is also not date-able.
  19. Are you any of the 3 women? Khloe? Secretly Tristan???

    No to any of the above? Seems like it's not your concern op
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