My dream girl will be any girl who plays video games and watches anime. I’m a very simple guy. Have not met a girl who dose both, but I’d be happy with one. What’s yours?
I have never met a girl who watched anime who did not also play vdo games. Who are these women u are meeting. And i donut have an ideal type. But I'm very picky.
I can name 50 on this game with just those 2 qualities, won't out of privacy and respect. But it's very common, you'll find her (o.~) Humor, positivity, intelligence, compassionate, and can own humility. Sucker for any ginger physical qualities, the hair(duh), pale skin, freckles, light eyes, nice butt XD Oh, we were talking about hobbies.....
I meant try going to comic con or a ps4/Xbox convention. This is not a dating app, even though there's a few success stories.