My Dream Girl/Guy

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by MountainGod, Apr 12, 2018.

  1. My dream girl will be any girl who plays video games and watches anime. I’m a very simple guy.
    Have not met a girl who dose both, but I’d be happy with one.

    What’s yours?
  2. I have never met a girl who watched anime who did not also play vdo games. Who are these women u are meeting.

    And i donut have an ideal type. But I'm very picky.
  3. I can name 50 on this game with just those 2 qualities, won't out of privacy and respect. But it's very common, you'll find her (o.~)

    Humor, positivity, intelligence, compassionate, and can own humility.
    Sucker for any ginger physical qualities, the hair(duh), pale skin, freckles, light eyes, nice butt XD
    Oh, we were talking about hobbies.....
  4. I meet plenty
  5. Todd: Real life. It’s kinda hard to chop it up in this game if she lives in a different world lol
  6. Can always hijack a rocket and go to her world or some shít.
  7. True lol
  8. Awww this was cute.
  9. Was it tho
  10. My dream guy is you @ OP ;)
  11. Yea mine too... Anime+gamer girl=
  12. Anime is despicable.
  13. “I don’t sleep so I can’t find her” - Tunchi
  14. my favorite anime is shrek
  15. Oh, you liar
  16. "Fall in love? Bìtch, I can't even fall asleep" - Kevin Hart meme
  17. relatable
  18. I meant try going to comic con or a ps4/Xbox convention. This is not a dating app, even though there's a few success stories.
  19. tbh you could even go inside a comic book store or a game stop or even like hot topic or something