Loosing wait! (Is a Pain)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by MountainGod, Apr 10, 2018.

  1. Why did you ever have faith in forums, goose
  2. True tbh :(

  3. Then that's pretty good then I guess. Depends on what you have for breakfast and lunch
  4. I misunderstood too at first, i was bugging out lol

  5. if your other meals are as small as your "dinner" you're just putting your body into starvation mode and you'll immediately gain the weight back as soon as you start eating a normal amount again because your body's gonna panic and be like "WE NEED TO STORE THIS FAT FOR NEXT TIME"

    eat regular amounts. just healthy stuff.

    also why the hell wont it let me quote you properly
  6. ^^^^^
    So pritty much u got 2 options
    1. Eat propr n lose wate slow
    2. Stop eating all together to lose it fast till u get to the wate u wanna be at but never be able to eat propr ever again

    Hitting the gym will make it go faster again
  7. Kitten: So my breakfast is really big. At the point that I don’t get hungry tell lunch. My lunch is also really big in witch I don’t need dinner.

    Breakfast I eat Penut butter sandwiches with eggs and fruits.

    Lunch I eat a plate of rice with tuna, also I eat a bowl of spinach. This is when I drink orange juice.
  8. Tbh slowly losing weight by being happier and eating healthier. More proteins and less carbs. It's slowly going down. :D
  9. Duuuuuddddeeeee thats like soooooooo much food. That should be like a entire weeks food at least
  10. Don’t know if you’re exaggerating. Lol
  11. Im dead serius loll. Thats sooooo much food dude. Even u said it urself its big. N u have it every day
  12. But I lost weight. So isn’t tang a good thing?
  13. Dude strate up 1 day of just ur break fast food would last me over 1wk. How u eat so much o.o
  14. It’s actually not. Onsidering he didn’t even mention the portion of his meals. If we’re strictly counting calories I’d guess that’s under 2300. With 2400-2600 being the amount the average person typically needs to stay at their current weight. That’s an ok calorie deficit start.
  15. He put a s on the end of each thing meaning more then 1. It alot o.o
  16. 2 Peanut butter sandwiches is ~700 calories.
    Eggs are something like 60 calories per?
    Fruit vary so I can’t guess.
    Rice I have no idea.
    Regular can of tuna is 90 calories.
    Bowl of spinach is probably 1 calorie. Jk but a little.
    Orange juice idk either.

    Seems like a pretty decent diet. It’s looking like it’s low 2000 to under 2000.
  17. Low? Wtf o.o I cant even count that high its huuge
  18. calories are completely irrelevant
  19. it's a solid diet tbh. depends how late your "lunch" is because if it's before 3-4pm id say you need to eat more than just yoghurt for supper. would definitely recommend splitting your meals into "snacks" as opposed to having large portions all at once. of course your ability to do so is dependant on your work/school and i totally get that that's not reasonable for some people; just, if possible, the best route is to eat more meals with smaller portions as opposed to less meals with more food