What's The Point?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 4NIC8, Apr 8, 2018.

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  1. jaco stop switching alts
  2. You hate on me all the time and I dont say anything
  3. Tell you her ign so you can harass her and hate on her? No thanks. I don't say whatever I like, I just tell people the truth.
  4. so say the truth jaco , how butthurt are you
  5. Nope. I can't hate on someone who isn't equal to me nor above me.

  6. hater
  7. lol jaco try harder to make sense
  9. what do you expect from kefo aphrodite
  10. Paragraphs
  11. meaningless paragraphs showing how much butthurt he is
  12. What's there to hate on? Literally nothing... Is that so hard to wrap your thoughts around? ... that you have nothing worthy of being hated on by someone like me?
  13. You must really want his bp

  14. y u hatin jaco
  15. I'd understand your point if you had something worth hating on
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