Is Top 500 Worth It?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Mireille, Apr 8, 2018.

  1. As someone who has been in the top 500 for a few events recently (unfortunately not at the moment as I’m slacking.) I’ve began to question whether top 500 is actually worth it.

    As a 16mcs I appreciate I am competing against people who are massive compared to myself and therefore my work is already cut out. However, to solidly stay in top 500 I’ve had to flash.

    Considering the average flash takes 12 dns at least, is the 1 we receive in return actually worth it? I mean ooooo! We get a lovely furniture box too which unless you are super lucky, doesn’t really contain anything of great value. Not to mention Ata breaks the bank by giving us 1000 piggy banks (no pun intended). (I also appreciate you receive cash to upgrade and the misc from completing objectives but since you receive these by causally partying I’m leaving these rewards out.) Is 1 dn, 1000 piggy banks and a furniture box really worth 12 dns and the possibility of a care package?

    Overall, I believe it’s not something that people should aim for but instead just be a part of by casually involving themselves in parties. Unless something is done to show you’ve been in top 500 (other than the decor box) for example an exclusive pin or other showcase item.

    (Yes I appreciate if I don’t believe top 500 is worth it then I shouldn’t go for it however, I wish to hear others opinions on the matter.)
  2. It depends on what people's goal in the game is. If it's to be at the top at any cost, then it's worth it. If you're not having as much fun, then it's probably not worth it to you. But it's worth it to enough people for ATA to keep marketing that aspect of the game.
  3. I don't think so tbh, I'll admire the lb avis from above. ??
    I've also seen 1mcs players make t10 and I'm just like wtf
  4. No, sleeping regularly promotes good health, that's worth it.

    Investing your money in your future, is worth it.

    Wasting you time and money on a video game hunt...totally not worth it. You're putting yourself behind your peers when it comes to planning for the future.
  5. I don’t believe it worth all that effort for something intangible that won’t actually benefit you outside of the app ?

    However addiction comes into play and other sorts.

    I rather save the money and buy a bag or even some amazing food.
  6. Why be top 500 in this one ??‍♀️ save for the next few and be top 1 if youre that tempted to blow money every event
  7. Never went for it, never got it. Always thought rewards of ANY TOP do not justify the cost of getting there.

  8. Chocolate!!!!
  9. That’s completely true, I’m one of these people who doesn’t sleep well anyway, PIMD definitely is a contributing factor. One day I’ll look back at this and shake my head. Until then, may the sleep deprivation continue! 
  10. From my personal experience, t500 doesnt require flashing at all. Be in b2b cc, hit min 80% of the parties and you will be there.

    T10 and T100 however, yes. You do need flash and, in the case of T10, boxes and a fat pocket.

    I'd say go for lb if you really love the hunt but real life should always come first. Don't scarifice work over virtual leaderboards...
  11. And no. FLASHING for T500 isnt worth it at all.
  12. 60k isn't even worth it tbh.

    My worth-it winner for hunt tiers is 15k.
  13. Just the rewards make it a better goal to shoot for Top 100
  14. I completely agree with this, I flashed because of my insecurity of losing my place. A bit of a worry wart I am. 
  15. Nothing wrong with worrying. Just know what's worth it and what isn't.
  16. Tbh it's not worth it to pay that much amount of money on cats to get into 500 where its less chance of getting 999 or 499 from decor ?
  17. True 15k -30k is ok ?bt above that u need to pay like many cats or stay in cc club to get that
  18. Some people already buy cats anyway because of the upgrade opportunities, top 500 is just an additional bonus.
  19. The difference between 500 and 100 is major, usually have to open boxes which can be costly. However, that’s my own opinion and open to interpretation.