user black

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by krzylx, Apr 5, 2018.

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  1. hey anybody of ya’ll know the user Black? I want the username black but ATA replies that the user is still active
  2. Why don't you do BIack (caps i instead of L)
  3. Why not just pick another color?
  4. i love the color
  5. ill try that ty
  6. Red is better

    Always bet on 14 Red.
  7. lol did it guys
  8. So, you're saying other colors are not as good?
  9. So he's not active anymore ?
  10. He is active
  11. no didn’t say that. I’m saying its the color I love the most
  12. So you love one color, above all other colors...Wow, racist much?
  13. Did you know that if you reset, and then pick a name it will automatically remove that persons name from them ?
  14.  u extra though
  15. ok
  16. Apologize. Right now
  17. nope 
  18. Lock it now? Plz?
  19. How do I reset
  20. You shall forever regret this, you racist asshat
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