How to tell someone

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Redzie, Apr 4, 2018.

  1. That you don't wanna be friends?
  2. Here's some background: usually I unfriend them and they don't come back. So, what do I do when they come back persistent and emotional?
  3. I think we should down grade our relationship to acquaintances
  4. Block and never look back
  5. blocking them would be effective ?
  6. Link them this thread
  7. Basically what you did ?
  9. Blocking is so extreme. It should be last resort.

  10. Tru never blocks
  11. Okay so like you say “I dun wunna b frands nu more” den they’ll be like “wait what? Why?” Den you jus gotta turn round n wawk way
  12. its best not to create a bond with anyone on pimd if this is the case.

    ultimately, this is a social app, so there are people youre gonna want to be friends with and there are those you wanna avoid.

    and if youre gonna go ahead be like "sorry i dont wanna be friends anymore", then what is the point. just ignore and move on.
  13. I mean it’s pretty simple straight up say you don’t want to be friends no more ??‍♀️ ain’t that deep. Or unfollow and if they harrass you then block
  14. you can farm them too ? if you can, that is
  15. Tell them their genitals look stupid.
  16. what the stars
  17. ignored . do what you want . dont block ..just act normal .you will be just fine .
  18. Okay IMO giving a reason why you don't wanna be friends with someone normally gives them closure..otherwise their gonna be like wtf did I do to you? So like let's say Bob and I were best friends but he took my cheetohs..and wouldn't give them back when I asked and after that I was just done and didnt wanna be friends. Just be like Bob you took my cheetohs and wouldnt give them back when I asked nicely..I dont think we can be friends any longer..then unfollow
  19. Just don't tell them. Ghost em
  20. o wow. you must really love cheetohs