Roster LiXiu GoingNdeep GatorGirl3 Wanda White_Tigress-QueenB Raquel144 i----ll--i-ereshkigall---il--i _l-HerLoveIsMyDrug-I_ --Yeonjung-- ___-iSophia_UTYamSavage-___ Psyhound BaddAzzBreee iGoofed MayaTheHopeful Prince_Matt i_kari_will_eat_your_cookies I_Josh_Am-King LunchBoxTheRedneckRomeo Haillee eragondoragon supreme_king ViolinGoddness Gelato52 no_one_important IIIIIII_IEasterBunny_IIIIIII Micucci -BaliwAnne- youraveragegirl R0meo -PhatomwattSeekerVersi0n2- Prizes Pot Of Chibis (xTBD) ⚜️Special Thanks⚜️ ️To the people who donated prizes️ (And those who did, and wished to stay anonymous)
Top 10 White_Tigress-QueenB 9686 GoingNdeep 9192 GatorGirl3 5572 BaddAzzBreee 4676 MayaTheHopeful 4341 R0meo 4091 _l-HerLoveIsMyDrug-I_ 4052 iGoofed 3638 I_Josh_Am-King 2553 Psyhound 2414 Leaderboard LiXiu 369 :!: GoingNdeep 9192 GatorGirl3 5572 Wanda 268 :!: White_Tigress-QueenB 9686 Raquel144 25 :!: i----ll--i-ereshkigall---il--i 1957 _l-HerLoveIsMyDrug-I_ 4052 --Yeonjung-- 163 :!: ___-iSophia_UTYamSavage-___ 953 :!: Psyhound 2414 BaddAzzBreee 4676 iGoofed 3638 MayaTheHopeful 4341 Prince_Matt 2016 i_kari_will_eat_your_cookies 212 :!: I_Josh_Am-King 2553 LunchBoxTheRedneckRomeo 632 :!: Haillee 1080 eragondoragon 188 :!: supreme_king 78 :!: ViolinGoddness 545 :!: Gelato52 265 :!: no_one_important 2086 IBunnyAf 931 :!: Micucci 1456 -BaliwAnne- 1420 youraveragegirl 1067 R0meo 4091 -PhatomwattSeekerVersi0n2- 2090 Livia 237 :!: :!: Score is under 1k
Top 10 White_Tigress-QueenB 13063 GoingNdeep 11346 BaddAzzBreee 9298 MayaTheHopeful 7270 Micucci 7035 Psyhound 6863 GatorGirl3 5769 _l-HerLoveIsMyDrug-I_ 5033 iGoofed 4713 R0meo 4276 Leaderboard LiXiu 384 :!: GoingNdeep 11346 GatorGirl3 5769 Wanda 1034 White_Tigress-QueenB 13063 Raquel144 801 :!: i----ll--i-ereshkigall---il--i 1962 _l-HerLoveIsMyDrug-I_ 5033 --Yeonjung-- 170 :!: ___-iSophia_UTYamSavage-___ 953 :!: :x Psyhound 6863 BaddAzzBreee 9298 iGoofed 4713 MayaTheHopeful 7270 Prince_Matt 2484 i_kari_will_eat_your_cookies 2299 I_Josh_Am-King 3306 Haillee 1305 eragondoragon 256 :!: ViolinGoddness 2538 Gelato52 1435 no_one_important 3961 IBunnyAf 1141 Micucci 7035 -BaliwAnne- 3962 youraveragegirl 2710 R0meo 4276 -PhatomwattSeekerVersi0n2- 2278 Livia 1147 :!: Score is under 1k :x Score hasn't changed
Top 10 White_Tigress-QueenB 14280 GoingNdeep 12803 MayaTheHopeful 11430 _l-HerLoveIsMyDrug-I_ 11257 BaddAzzBreee 9298 Psyhound 8842 -BaliwAnne- 7260 R0meo 7061 Micucci 7045 GatorGirl3 6788 Leaderboard GoingNdeep 12803 GatorGirl3 6788 Wanda 1058 White_Tigress-QueenB 14280 i----ll--i-ereshkigall---il--i 1962 :x _l-HerLoveIsMyDrug-I_ 11257 Psyhound 8842 BaddAzzBreee 9298 :x iGoofed 6121 MayaTheHopeful 11430 Prince_Matt 2812 i_kari_will_eat_your_cookies 2801 I_Josh_Am-King 3624 Haillee 1350 ViolinGoddness 2587 Gelato52 1906 no_one_important 4000 IBunnyAf 1141 :x Micucci 7045 -BaliwAnne- 7260 youraveragegirl 2947 R0meo 7061 -PhatomwattSeekerVersi0n2- 2553 Livia 1152 Booth 5173 :x Score hasn't changed
So prizes are based off donations, and as of right now I have 3 chibis for donations. So please donate prizes if you can
Yes they are. The winning prize is all the chibis that pay to enter + any donations. The 3 chibis I mentioned were donations from people.