Mustache-On-A-Stick Competition

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Quality12, Mar 20, 2018.

  1. reading comprehension skills. get some.
  2. Why? And don't give a reason somebody gave you to use as an excuse for you to use..
  3. Is hypocrisy the new trend?
  4. I'll spam some for free ? Just wall me if needed, loves
  5. Hola, I was sick yesterday so I will update the list and post first leaderboard today
  6. Roster

    1. LiXiu
    2. GoingNdeep
    3. GatorGirl3
    4. Wanda
    5. White_Tigress-QueenB
    6. Raquel144
    7. i----ll--i-ereshkigall---il--i
    8. _l-HerLoveIsMyDrug-I_
    9. --Yeonjung--
    10. ___-iSophia_UTYamSavage-___
    11. Psyhound
    12. BaddAzzBreee
    13. iGoofed
    14. MayaTheHopeful
    15. Prince_Matt
    16. i_kari_will_eat_your_cookies
    17. I_Josh_Am-King
    18. LunchBoxTheRedneckRomeo
    19. Haillee
    20. eragondoragon
    21. supreme_king
    22. ViolinGoddness
    23. Gelato52
    24. no_one_important
    25. IIIIIII_IEasterBunny_IIIIIII
    26. Micucci
    27. -BaliwAnne-
    28. youraveragegirl
    29. R0meo
    30. -PhatomwattSeekerVersi0n2-


    • Pot Of Chibis (xTBD)

    ⚜️Special Thanks⚜️

    ️To the people who donated prizes️
    (And those who did, and wished to stay anonymous)
  7. I spam for chibis/stat items

    wall me if interested
  8. Top 10

    1. White_Tigress-QueenB 9686
    2. GoingNdeep 9192
    3. GatorGirl3 5572
    4. BaddAzzBreee 4676
    5. MayaTheHopeful 4341
    6. R0meo 4091
    7. _l-HerLoveIsMyDrug-I_ 4052
    8. iGoofed 3638
    9. I_Josh_Am-King 2553
    10. Psyhound 2414


    LiXiu 369 :!:
    GoingNdeep 9192
    GatorGirl3 5572
    Wanda 268 :!:
    White_Tigress-QueenB 9686
    Raquel144 25 :!:
    i----ll--i-ereshkigall---il--i 1957
    _l-HerLoveIsMyDrug-I_ 4052
    --Yeonjung-- 163 :!:
    ___-iSophia_UTYamSavage-___ 953 :!:
    Psyhound 2414
    BaddAzzBreee 4676
    iGoofed 3638
    MayaTheHopeful 4341
    Prince_Matt 2016
    i_kari_will_eat_your_cookies 212 :!:
    I_Josh_Am-King 2553
    LunchBoxTheRedneckRomeo 632 :!:
    Haillee 1080
    eragondoragon 188 :!:
    supreme_king 78 :!:
    ViolinGoddness 545 :!:
    Gelato52 265 :!:
    no_one_important 2086
    IBunnyAf 931 :!:
    Micucci 1456
    -BaliwAnne- 1420
    youraveragegirl 1067
    R0meo 4091
    -PhatomwattSeekerVersi0n2- 2090
     Livia 237 :!:

    :!: Score is under 1k
  9. Top 10

    1. White_Tigress-QueenB 13063
    2. GoingNdeep 11346
    3. BaddAzzBreee 9298
    4. MayaTheHopeful 7270
    5. Micucci 7035
    6. Psyhound 6863
    7. GatorGirl3 5769
    8. _l-HerLoveIsMyDrug-I_ 5033
    9. iGoofed 4713
    10. R0meo 4276


    LiXiu 384 :!:
    GoingNdeep 11346
    GatorGirl3 5769
    Wanda 1034
    White_Tigress-QueenB 13063
    Raquel144 801 :!:
    i----ll--i-ereshkigall---il--i 1962
    _l-HerLoveIsMyDrug-I_ 5033
    --Yeonjung-- 170 :!:
    ___-iSophia_UTYamSavage-___ 953 :!: :x
    Psyhound 6863
    BaddAzzBreee 9298
    iGoofed 4713
    MayaTheHopeful 7270
    Prince_Matt 2484
    i_kari_will_eat_your_cookies 2299
    I_Josh_Am-King 3306
    Haillee 1305
    eragondoragon 256 :!:
    ViolinGoddness 2538
    Gelato52 1435
    no_one_important 3961
    IBunnyAf 1141
    Micucci 7035
    -BaliwAnne- 3962
    youraveragegirl 2710
    R0meo 4276
    -PhatomwattSeekerVersi0n2- 2278
     Livia 1147

    :!: Score is under 1k
    :x Score hasn't changed
  10. Go go go, peeps ♡♡
  11. More Picture less words
  12. rip my social life ?
  13. Top 10

    1. White_Tigress-QueenB 14280
    2. GoingNdeep 12803
    3. MayaTheHopeful 11430
    4. _l-HerLoveIsMyDrug-I_ 11257
    5. BaddAzzBreee 9298
    6. Psyhound 8842
    7. -BaliwAnne- 7260
    8. R0meo 7061
    9. Micucci 7045
    10. GatorGirl3 6788


    GoingNdeep 12803
    GatorGirl3 6788
    Wanda 1058
    White_Tigress-QueenB 14280
    i----ll--i-ereshkigall---il--i 1962 :x
    _l-HerLoveIsMyDrug-I_ 11257
    Psyhound 8842
    BaddAzzBreee 9298 :x
    iGoofed 6121
    MayaTheHopeful 11430
    Prince_Matt 2812
    i_kari_will_eat_your_cookies 2801
    I_Josh_Am-King 3624
    Haillee 1350
    ViolinGoddness 2587
    Gelato52 1906
    no_one_important 4000
    IBunnyAf 1141 :x
    Micucci 7045
    -BaliwAnne- 7260
    youraveragegirl 2947
    R0meo 7061
    -PhatomwattSeekerVersi0n2- 2553
     Livia 1152
    Booth 5173

    :x Score hasn't changed
  14. So prizes are based off donations, and as of right now I have 3 chibis for donations. So please donate prizes if you can 
  15. Offering my spamming services  WMO ? I accept chibis, furnitures etc. 
  16. I thought the chibis that people pay to enter were apart of the winning prize ..
  17. Offering spamming service accepting chibies/Stat items wall me
  18. Yes they are. The winning prize is all the chibis that pay to enter + any donations. The 3 chibis I mentioned were donations from people.
  19. I can spam for chibis or bentos wall me ur prices