How about let everyone do their own thing ? some people just like to feel like they’re right and argue for the smallest things, others like to sit back and watch
You post on a forum on a daily and you're an active part of that foruming community then you are a forumer. Post count should be irrelevant. Also the whole 1000k thingy would just cause a lot more spam m8. If the whole reward crap was implemented it should be based on forum post quality and not quantity in my opinion.
I agree with the Forum Quality over Forum Quantity. And you can blame Ata for putting in the post count.
I thought they gave blue names to quality posts or people who helped?? otherwise you’re just another nub in forums
It'd be pretty complicated to give people an elite status over post counts due to a lot of those people just spamming or not even really contributing (like posting no support all the time) as stated earlier. Forums thrive and decline as a community. It was great when there were people supportive of quality posts and actually put in effort to show that support. Lately, it's all about cliques where only a select few people are praised and it's very hard for newer forumers to assimilate themselves.
Agree to a degree. There's basically one clique. We need to decentralize and reach out to the outsides. Less arms in the center.