I am opening a new club to eventually turn it into a kitty club with no sessions. Trying to help people out! Name competition: Post 1 club name suggestion on my wall. I will leave this open for an hour. Then, i will pick 3 best names and we will vote again for the best name. Winner get 1 bento! Wall "OrganicGirl" or "CathyBabyFace05" and post your suggestions. RULES: 1 ENTRY PER account. More than 1 suggestion will be disqualified. Add me or wall me. "OrganicGirl" Happy naming!
*********UPDATE********* Purrfect Felines WE HAVE A WINNER AND PRIZES HABE BEEN SENT. Please join us! ? Purrfect Felines ? Recruiting active members/admins +500kcs entry Requirement ️Unlocking parties️ *********Original********** I am opening a new club to eventually turn it into a kitty club with no sessions. Trying to help people out! Name competition: Post 1 club name suggestion on my wall. I will leave this open for an hour. Then, i will pick 3 best names and we will vote again for the best name. Winner get 1 bento! Wall "OrganicGirl" or "CathyBabyFace05" and post your suggestions. RULES: 1 ENTRY PER account. More than 1 suggestion will be disqualified. Add me or wall me. "OrganicGirl" Happy naming!