Ign ideas

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by --Not-Your-Babe--, Mar 17, 2018.

  1. Help i can't find art thread thx
  2. Welcome back tbh
  3. It's your thread, so derail it yourself ?
  4. It's time for a few more alts? I probably won't post on forums with those though, lmao. I like this thread.
  5. heres some cool ideas:

    • airbends
    • waterbends
    • earthbends

    lemme know if u use em ?
  6. Keep your avatar shīt away
  7. damn

  8. ?
  9. Are u gonna change ur ign Laura xD?
  10. ??‍♀️

  11. YASSSSS I need ideas Tho ?
  12. What about the idea in your status?? Thought you were changing your name to that.
  13. Nice to hear
  14. You "hear" it? You hear words that are typed without audio? Idiot.
  15. Awe the idiot Jaco is back
  16. Mamiiii
  17. Pix4DVP
  18. Youre like Jax from Guardians of the Galaxy. Why must you take everything so serious?
  19. If you're calling someone smarter than you an idiot, you're stating that you barely have any intelligence at all. You aren't from here, but you live here. Makes me wonder if they just give out green cards to anyone.