A Day in the Life of Crystal!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_A_-CareBearCrystal, Mar 18, 2018.

  1. Well I’m at home during spring break right now which basically means I’m able to sleep in and work more. But during that time when I’m not sleeping and working, I’m usually just keeping myself busy with other things. So I’d thought I’d share one day out of my week long break. This is going to be a fairly long thread so feel free to read through it, or don’t. There’ll be a good number of pictures for you tl;dr-ers! :D There will also be a question at the bottom, like most of my threads have, so feel free to just answer the question.

    Note: Yes this is a very in depth thread about my day, but it’s not specifically what I did step by step.


    8 A.M.

    All right so today, March 17th, I woke up around 8am. Hey, happy St. Patrick’s Day! Anyways first thing I do is obviously check social media and PimD! After that I go to the bathroom to freshen up. You know, use the bathroom, brush my teeth, and my favorite part: putting on makeup!

    So I realized I’m out of eyeliner, I’ll have to get some later. Anyways, hair and makeup takes about 30 minutes. More or less.? And now onto the next task!

    9 A.M.

    All right, so it’s warm enough to go outside, it seems. I live in the Midwest of America so temperatures can vary. First thing to do is take my dogs outside so they can do their business.

    I actually have 3 dogs, but the other one didn’t make the picture.

    I sit outside for about 15 minutes watching my dogs run around the yard and such. And hey, it’s pretty nice out for March!

    42 degrees? Not bad at all! I’ll definitely have to take advantage of this nice weather.

    9:30 A.M.

    Looks like it’s time to run some errands. But first I gotta get some breakfast so I decide why not go to McDonald’s, not very healthy, but I wanted something quick. So I jump in my car, and goooo.

    I decide to just get an egg mcmuffin meal, and of course I have to get a shamrock shake.

    9:45 A.M.

    As said before, I’m out of eyeliner so time to make a trip to Sephora!

    10:00 A.M.

    I’m fairly quick when doing errands, especially when I go to a store that I know very well, like Sephora. So it’s a quick trip in and out. (That’s what she said.)

    10:15 A.M.

    Now time to go to another favorite place of mine: Starbucks! After making my way in Starbucks, I find a comfy spot to sit down at with my laptop.

    Ah, this looks nice and comfy. Time to get some work done.

    But before I can get any work done, I of course have to listen to some music. So I plug in my headphones and go to Spotify!

    My favorite playlists are this current one, my Assorted Musicals Playlist and my Classical Favorites Playlist! I’m currently shuffling my musical playlist and am listening to a song from Into the Woods, which is probably one of my favorite musicals of all time. I also am a huge fan of Hamilton, Dear Evan Hansen, and Les Miserables! Shoutout to my musical theatre fanatics.

    All right, now it’s finally time to get some work done! And by getting some work done, I mean hacking Starbucks’ system. 

    Looks like I’m in.?

    Just kidding. I’m mainly here to just get some homework done. And if anyone is curious, I got a venti pink drink with light ice.

    Hehe, this is probably my favorite drink at Starbucks, especially for relatively warmer days out like today. And yes I am a Ravenclaw.

    1 P.M.

    Wow I was there for a while. Anyways, I think it’s time to go to my next place:

    Barnes and Noble! This is a bookstore for those who may not have one where they live.

    I partially wanted to go here cause I love Barnes and noble, and partially because I had to go to the bathroom on my drive here LOL. So time to take a quick potty break.

    And here’s a quick mirror selfie for ya’.

    Next, I make a straight beeline to my favorite section of Barnes and Noble.

    The Music section! There’s a lot of interesting books here about different composers, music theory, etc. I’m currently planning on minoring in music so this kind of stuff really helps! It’s also right next to the place where you can listen to their music and where those retro record players are.


    So I decided not to buy anything since I had already bought makeup which can get pricey. But it looks like it’s time for lunch so I quick text one of my friends to see if they want to go get, probably one of the most heavenly foods in the world, sushi!? We go this super kawaii place called Tanpopo.

    Hehe I love sushi. I also very much like ramen, but my friend wanted sushi.

    2:30 P.M.

    As soon as I come home, I’m greeted by the cutest guy that I know.

    That’s right it’s my dog! And now’s it’s time to let them outside again.

    Enjoy this picture of all three of them looking majestic asf.

    3:30 P.M.

    After sitting on my butt, looking at my phone for a straight hour, it’s time to actually be productive. Which means it’s time for work. Since I’m currently a student, I have a small part time job at a pharmacy / drugstore. It’s a pretty nice job, and I get to work with some pretty nice people. I also almost dated my manager but that’s another story LOL.

    Anyways, I’ll just fast forward to the present.


    11:00 P.M. (more or less)

    So I got back from work about an hour ago. It was a relatively short shift, thank god. And now to wrap up my final thoughts:

    Well kudos to those who read this far! I hope it helped you learn a little more about me. And now I’d like to hear a little bit about you guys! Hope you all had a great day.?


    1. What did you do today?
    2. What do you do on a day to day basis?


    Thanks for reading. (If you actually read the whole thing lol.)
    ~ Crystal 

    Please refrain from breaking the ToU or Forum CoC.
  2. That's a full day right there
    I did nothing today :)
  3. I actually enjoyed that read. Thxs for sharing!

    What breed are your puppies? My personal guess is Shi-Tzu, poodle, or either a bichon or bichon-poodle mix.

    My day is pretty basic. You'll generally find me at home with my kitties <3 Its really cool seeing how active and eventful your day is. Something mine usually lacks.
  4. Today I woke up at 9:30am, checked pimd, checked line, continued checking them repeatedly for about an hour, got out of bed, brushed my teeth, had cereal for breakfast, and at about 11am got out my laptop to watch youtube.
    I watched some T90 official, pewdiepie, and a H3 podcast highlight with Bob Saget where he talks about the "Aristocrats" skit, and PC culture >< comedy.

    Then at 12 I got called out by my family to the dining room to have lunch. We had mixed seafood (calamari, white fish, prawns, muscles) and rice.

    Was pretty nice. I returned to my room,
    turned on my PS3, and did some shredding on CoD MW3.

    It's a pretty typical Sunday. ? and I don't know how much more of this boring day people might want to hear, so I'll end it there. If there is demand, I'll release the second half later.
  5. So I have a Wheaton terrier which is the gold-ish colored one. The one that’s only featured in one of the pictures is a rat terrier. And then the other one, I’m not too sure, since we rescued him, but I think some mix of poodle.

    My days aren’t usually this eventful. I just felt like I should get out of the house.
  6. ^ <3 I'm proud of you
  7. Great story. Love your dogs. And my day was pretty boring went and bought a new gun. And then cleaned my house. Daily basis i work lol
  8. Is this the manager u were telling me about??
  9. Maybeeee. But I dodged a bullet lol. And darn, I didn’t think anyone would notice the small text.?

    Why wot?
  10. So like, when do you shower and can you provide photographical evidence of such.
  11. Lol I mostly only shower at night since it takes a while for my hair to dry. And of course, only for you.?

    I said why in the thread. But it’s ok, reading has proven to be difficult for some.
  12. O I stopped reading after the "hello" part
  13. Oh nice, further than expected.? Good for you! It seems you’re reading has improved.

    Can you muster up the literacy to say how your day went or is going?
  14. WIG

    Crystal: I buy really cheap palettes
    Also Crystal: Has the modern renaissance and huda palette

  15. Who said I'm even literate?
    Me know no English ;(
  16. This was really cute. The dogs especially ?