[Contest-ish] New Gifts Ideas!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, Mar 13, 2018.

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  1. A butterfly , what is more beautiful than seeing a butterflies? romantic, sweet, cheesy, colorful, amazing. If their is cat, dog (mammals ), fish (aqustic ), butterfly is unique (for me)
  3. a pair of eyes
    "lurkers gonna lurk"
  4. I was just thinking about a few things......
    1. Male and Female wedding bands, to show love for each other.
    2. Men's boxer underwear, we've had the female thong....now let's have boxers for guys to send their partners.
    3. A boot, then you can send a boot with a message of why the person was booted from a club!
    4. A panda(or cat) with head phones on listening to music, for the music lovers.
    5. A pill that says chill, because everyone needs a chill pill sometimes.
    6. A bunny holding a easter basket, for easter of course
    7. A shooting star, so the person you send it to can make a wish and you can let them know you want their wishes to come true.
    8. A panda with its arm's open going to give a hug, so you can send a virtual hug to whomever you wish!
  5. My ideas Is a WHeel of A car :) or Different Model Of Wheel! WHEEL For a taxi or wheel for a Sports Car ;) also The will of the Monster Truck ;) thats pretty cool!

    Description:) Use this For Running The hunt!
  6. 1. A gold star: meaning reach for the stars
    2. Rainbow: to cheer people up
    3. Small globe: because people from all over the world play this game
    4. A game system: for all the gamers
    For Easter
    1.Multi-colored Easter egg
    2. Any color peeps
  7. elepanth in a Teapot;)

    - Even i Big I can Fit In If i Want;)

    But the Twist they its Really like "LIKE MACHINE"

  9. My Idea is A " Sea horse"

    i really want to see what it will looks like if you choose this and Make As gift;))

    -oops! Careful Dont forget me;) im here!!

  10. Cool idea!
  11. A jar of dreams;
    It looks like a normal mason jar (as plain as it is) with the contents of glitters of different sizes, colors and sparkle! It looks magical, as a jar of dreams would be.

    Shows a jar of dreams everyone has but can't see. A symbol of the daydreams everyone has anywhere they go, but cant see.
  12. A Cup of Cares

    “Oh look, it’s empty” ?
  13. "Scepter of A Wizard"
    Different scepter ex. Glowing scepter
    Sparkling/metalic/full of torns! Thats my Idea!

    - my Magic? As you wish!
  14. -Figurines of an ANgels In Woodforms ;)

    They have Different Positions :)
    You can also Do Cupids thats Quite Ok;)

    -Description: Im Here to watch you Follow your Path.
  15. - Pixie Dust
    - Mystery Gift (randomised selection)
    - Chocolates
    - Pizza
    - Champagne
    - Bouquet
    - Butterfly
    - Wine
    - Birthday/Celebration Card
    - Good Luck charm
    - Balloons
    - Fruit Basket
    - Gift Basket
    - Cocktails
    - Magic Wand
    - Dragon
    - Cat
    - Dog
    - Storybook
    - Books
    - Bows
    - Beer
    - Daisies
    - Lilies
    - Emojis
    - Kisses/Lipstick Prints
    - Shoes/High Heels
    - Tiara/Crown
    - Sceptre
    - Casino Chips
    - Take Out Food
    - Seashells
    - Animals
    - Music/Notes
    - Stars
    - Ice cream
    - Cake
    - Candy
    - Fortune Cookie
    - Cookie
    - Popcorn
    - Shopping bags/Gift bags
    - Awareness ribbons
    - Clothing items
    - Food
  16. "See-Saw of lust And Love"

    -Where at you? LOVE Or LUST?
  17. Speed Boat

    Because why not
  18. Light bulb

    Now there's an idea
  19. VR headset

    The new way to play
  20. Bag of onions

    Are you crying?
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