What's your Zodiac

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Genocide, Mar 7, 2018.

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  1. Same
  2. Yass
  3. Yes
  4. I said a joke and you completely over reacted.
    I responded to your tantrum
    When did I ask for you attention ? You didn’t have to respond ??‍♀️??‍♀️

    See you calling me all these things. Don’t see me flipping out about it. It’s pimd

    Chill out
  5. Can you not? You’ve made it painfully obvious that you’re a Capricorn too.
  6. You took a shot at me, I took one back. Clearly mine hit the target because now you want me to chill.... Virgos do it better. I understand why it’s hard for you to focus. Don’t you have some aimless wondering around to do or something Aquarius?
  7. Lolol
  8. I think we can all agree that SAGITTARIUS is the best sign of them all. (It’s been scientifically proven) ️
  9. You’ve got a real horse’s ass

  10. except that one time little aphro got mad over computerized pixels on a phone screen.
  11. just admit that virgo’s are better ?
  12. Taurus sorry
  13. You cannot have a best trait, it’s all about your own opinion.
  14. Sagittarius :p
  15. I laughed far too hard at this 
  16. Well, every zodiac has their advantages & disadvantages

    Btw, I'm Virgo
  17. Dis is very true
    We all have our faults.

    Also regular zodiac signs are broad and not accurate -cough-
  18. I’ve been telling YOU to chill from the start. I’m calm you’re the one who flipped out ️

    Virgos don’t chill they’re hell sensitive and over react to everything. Like you do about an hour ago. I have actually been getting my
    Moolah in casino x.

    Ppl add me I have the same ign ?️
  19. Receipts ?? Can’t talk smack without evidence
  20. Lady or thing or whatever... I didn’t flip out. I told you what it was. I’m sorry the truth sounds like flipping out. I just don’t laugh at my own jokes or type  emojis when nothing is funny. Never been on that fake shít...
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