
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChocolateThunder, Mar 6, 2018.

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  1. The quickest and easiest way to shut down the bs y'all started on my other thread. On this note, hold this "L." The vacant space should be "girls," I didn't create this meme btw
  2. Shhh. They have to hold their "L" in silence and cry silently. A moment of silence fo PIMD feminists please.
  3. OMG what does this have to do with feminists
  4. The quality of forums has truly deteriorated due to people like you smh

    I consider myself a “feminist” however you wish to take it yet none of the above apply to me so ? aight ig
  5. "You're objectifying women." These PIMD feminists started this. I ended it today. Each PIMD feminists will line up and say, "4NIC8 the GREAT doesn't objectify women, he just can't help but slide in their dns during Sundress Season." And after dat they'll say, "We're sorry."
  6. Not to people like me. Excuse you. First of all, I made forums poppin. This ish was highkey dead and lame asf till me two debuts. And if none of the above apply to you then I salute you... unless you wear makeup.
  7. Idc what y'all wear or eat. Shiiiit, I encourage Sundresses. And big girls need love too. You ever hear Drake's best line on "Only"?
  8. ahaha what? It’s better dead than filled with comments that hold no value... negative value if that’s even possible. You along with some others dummed down forums to a new level of idiotic.

    Sure I wear light makeup occasionally so yes please judge me qt. Men wear makeup too so you can judge them while you’re at it (‘:
  9. Don't lie, when Sundress Season comes, you're eyes will be mesmerized by beauty beyond what you formally knew existed. You'll be introduced to a whole new world, like dat song from Aladdin. You'll be so awestruck and bedazzled you'll wonder when did you get so enraptured. Your attention will be captivated instantly, simultaneously by all of the gorgeous women who'll seemingly be displaying perfection incarnate. You might even get lucky as to get to kno one onna deeper intellectual level and eradicate any fears she may have before gaining access to hear heart and endeavor into a spectacular life time of true love and euphoria.
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