
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iDontCare47, Feb 6, 2018.

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  1. That's not me. Again, not saying any names, but there's a whole group chat who dislikes you... wait, everyone dislikes you... damn, must be tough, kiddo. I guess everybody is literally an option
  2. Look, stop trying to adopt random strangers on the Internet
  3. If your mom takes your phone again, I won't complain.
  4. Stop role-playing as my mom on forums tho
  5. Cri pls
  6. So mod WYA? She can spread false information, noob can keep spreading his sexual fantasies about other men's butts, but you go after 4NIC8 cause of what? "Inappropriate language." It was appropriate if you read it in the right context. I give you guys a break, but I can't get one. Funny
  7. U are butthurt tho
  8. I'm not. Just a noob wants to do dat to you tho. His people aren't currently taking no fo an answer tho apparently cause they're dat desperate. (See Kefo's thread as a reference).
  9. u butthurt
  10. Naw. Can Alicia's mom please take her phone away again?
  11. Nah
    Why are you so desperate to rp as my mom tho
  12. You are aware of da fact dat ATA can track alts, correct? Send a ticket. It isn't me. And when you're proven wrong, you'll apologize
  13. The Titanic
  14. A terrible movie!
  15. glad you think so as well <3
  16. I kno so.
  17. The Jolly Roger
  18. You can just spit the truth ya know
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