Favorite Forumer?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by AliciasMom, Feb 18, 2018.

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  1. I'm rated a 2?
    That's it..fite meh!.
  2. 1/10 tbh
  3. Support
  4. Damn Jaco ?
  5. 0.1/10
  6. I'm amazballs okay? Im like 11/10 lol...you should be put in the corner
  7. ^^ OH look who’s the attacker now.

    I thought you was the former defender, but look how the tables have turned
  9. Chloe doesn’t believe that  She defends the people who get “bullied”
  10. Agreed
  11. Bae af. Totes favvie
  12. it became messy
  13. It's called playing, Big difference between Attacking and messing around..
  14. Oh you didn’t seem to notice that when you tried coming for me.

    So what’s up you grown up now ?
  15. bb go so i can welcome you
  16. O I don’t wanna go :(
  17. Because you don't play, you're an ass to people and I'll always be there to stick up for them..you can go away now..K bai
  18. Why is this thread still alive
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