Favorite Forumer?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by AliciasMom, Feb 18, 2018.

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  1. You don't need to see the future to guess that
  2. Yes lol very entertaining
    You know I wouuuld, but I just ate
  3. K gotta fite u for that
  4. Fine then? I didn't wanna do this..but bring it on like Donkey kong I will wiiin! 
  5. Kick her ass tbh
  6. Dtw
  7. Cause I unloaded on a party lol doesn't count I call a redo
  8. Use a dn and prank her ass tbh
  9. Go tf away wtf
  10. Pay me 2 chibis and I might
  11. -pays u 2 chibis- go away now k bye asf
  12. Lol you both are entertaining I'll pay you 2 chibis to continue
  13. O I did not ask for arpee chibis tf
  14. You ain't getting anything better
    Now get the tf out ? and I'm suing you for stealing my pimd monies
  15. Unlucky for you, my pup is a lawyer, I will counter sue you
  16. I can be your arpee lawyer for you lol
  17. I'll find a better lawyer you nubass
  18. I don't trust u random stranger
  19. Well I am chloe lol there I am no longer a stranger...bow take the candy and get in meh white van 
  20. 2/10
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