gun change?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by itstime2, Feb 25, 2018.

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  1. cover your butt jaco
  2. I'll be closing your eyes if you try it
  3. then why butthurt
  4. Straight men don't get butthurt.
  5. No. You always derail threads. Israel is a better place without you. Oh, Palestine is a better place without you too.
  6. im not even there or from there idiot
  7. You're fond of those two areas. "Mark my words, we will return there some day." - You.
  8. and does that make me from there ?
  9. They're letting me post? Nvm, I see what this is. You obviously don't kno the definition of "return."
  10. do you even knw history
  11. Yea, y'all got y'all asses kicked out of the holy land y'all stole.
  12. Guns should be made illegal doe
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