
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RamonaFlowers, Feb 25, 2018.

  1. “ViolinGoddess” is awesome af
    She’s Thick af
    She’s really thick
    She’s Thick with 3 Cs
    She’s thiccc
    She’s pretty too
    She’s super pretty
    She looks better than all y’all mfs
    She’s my bb
    I love her
    She’s awesome
    I love her
    She’s awesome
    I love her
    She’s awesome
    I love her
    She’s awesome
    I love her
    She’s awesome
    I love her
    Her dogs are cute
    She has a hip dad
    Her dad listens to Cardi B
    Her dad is amazeballs
    She loves Drake
    Drake is her Papi
    I bet she knows the lyrics to all Drake songs
    She and I sing songs together
    She’s my wifey
    She’s my baby momma
  2. She your main, or is it alli?
  3. It's not Alli
  4. Then whom
  5. some thirsty piece of ****

    ohh I mean just another human
  6. O my, have I missed something?
  7. Do me a favor and bring me a water bottle
  9. nothing at all :)
  10. ask jaco
  11. He might try to poison me or some ish
  12. No. Damn you all
  13. I kno you are
  14. No, op requests lock
  15. go wall a mod for lock mr butthurt
  16. Cretin
    Go take your fail trolling self to another thread cause I don’t want your bs comments on mine
  17. Truuuuu?