Not Based Off A True Story...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChocolateThunder, Feb 8, 2018.

  1. Shorty got a number one,
    I guess I'm the runner-up.
    She rocks Louis Vuitton,
    So I rang her number up.

    It didn't go according to plan.
    I already knew she had a man.
    It's drama when shìt hits the fan.
    Like Thomas I did it cause I can.

    She wasn't even a freak hoe,
    But she could put on a show.
    Her waist small with wide hips,
    And she had them vacuum lips.

    Her man was too oblivious,
    I swear she was insidious.
    He spent every dime on her.
    He spent all his time on her.

    Why'd she do him so bogus.
    Her booty made me lose focus.
    Her twerking was hypnosis.
    Made tip disappear like hocus pocus.

    How can I even explain,
    The way she maintains?
    Like a zombie I get brain,
    And she was contagious, mane.

    I tried to keep our convos PG,
    But she had dat water like Fiji.
    From New Zealand she's a Kiwi.
    She just split her legs like a kiwi.

    I was Mario and he was Luigi.
    Like Cena he couldn't see me.
    When he finally caught that hoe,
    What he did, no one wants to know...
  2. “i was mario and he was luigi” LOL  stop, put sum respek on luigi name! he’s the homie.
  3. 20 part series plz.
  4. the butthurt op
  5. VACCUM LIPS :lol:
  6. Shouldn't you be banned since you support ràpe? Proof is on one of Leo's threads
  7. He meant Rap Not rápê
  8. Kefo's*
  9. No, noob condones rápe cause his people are struggling to steal a country from it's rightful residents. Y'all wanna talk about real disgusting criminal minded players on this game, well add Noob to dat list
  10. Awwww c'mon relax...
    I'm pretty sure he didn't mean it
  11. We all know Noob & Noob knows us all Too

    So it's okay To say stupid things among Friends
  12. Oh, he meant it. He even admitted it
  13. Noob is no friend of mine
  14. But its okay To adjust it rightt? ?
  15. When he lets go of the past and stops his stupid and feeble attempts to be relevant on my threads, it won't be as bad