
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iDontCare47, Feb 6, 2018.

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  1. stop being a smart ass kefo
  2. "Friends." Nobody is my friend unless they'd go out their way fo me. No one is my friend unless they'd hold down the fort if the boys in blue ever locked me up. No one is my friend unless they'd keep it real wit me till we both die. "Friendship," is often misused and misunderstood on this app. Friendship is loyalty and honesty at it's finest. Anything else and complete and utter bullshìt. There you go, Kefo. Since you always infer retàrde d shìt wit a larger vocabulary than most to seem like you're somewhat highly intelligent
  3. Wow hurt af jaco i thought we were becoming friends :(
  4. ?I just thought Kii was throwing shade by saying platonic friends
  5. I wasn't. That's just how I see it. :lol:
  6. We both kno I wasn't even a fraction of being serious here mf
  7. Wait, why is KefoxYurixMe even a thing??????? O.O
  8. idk its only kiiboxyuri to me
  9. ??
  10. T R I G G E R E D
  11. my favourite ship was the titanic
  12. I’ll never let go jack
  14. That’s not funny :(
  15. I’m not on here Whoop!
  16. AlyssaxAssyla
  17. Same
  18. Fuck this thread
  19. hot
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