
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iDontCare47, Feb 6, 2018.

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  1. What if I’m not into polygamy??
    Haven’t seen Alicia in a while, not complaining though.
  3. Don't you have some sick fetishes to type to several girls at once and then throw a bìtch fit, when they all start ignoring you?
  5. I'd rather CrystalxKefo to CrystalxCrystal.
    You ain't gotta be single, gir
  7. You kno firsthand, James likes to ignore the concept of the word, "no."
  8. when have i ever played the victim? why don’t you get your friend to fight your battles for you again? Oatmeal face.
  12. Naw, I'd say you and your father, but it'd be more like you and your father's dirty, worn socks, James.
  13. Whoever he is, don't you ever let his bìtch ass disrespect you again.
    @iJake don't complain about being blocked. Ain't you dating yo rs anyways?
  14. So uh?
    AllixYurixKiibo cOuGh
  15. Stop excluding me when I belong :/
  16. No
  17. I already told you, KefoxKefo ;)
  18. Don’t be jelly cause you’re not in my spot
  19. ur bf is getting jealous alli
  20. I don't want to be in yo spot mf?
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