What Are Y'all Doing For Valentine's Day

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChocolateThunder, Feb 1, 2018.

  1. Finding Valentine 
  2. Same
  3. Whiskey, popcorn, horror movies cuddled next to my puppy she watches TV
  4. Staying home watching Netflix after buying myself lots and lots and lots of chocolate, tbh.
  5. Drinking someone's memory away (;
  6. Geez don't kiss and tell
  7. I’m gonna be pampering and treating myself to my favourite food cause self love is the best love
  9. can i come?
  10. If you bring more tequila...and limes or lemons, our friends that are coming over like lemons with their shots. I prefer limes though
  11. o but im underaged. i cant bring alcohol. i just wanna come for the chicken wings.
  12. Watching Fifty Shades @ the movie theater bc ya know. ?
  13. Idk...chicken wing and tequila night is a sacred traditional event.

    One without the other just isn't right. They must go together, like a marriage. Always stick together.

    You can come when you grow up kiddo
  14. well fuck you and your garbage ass party then.
  15. :) Well fūck you too

  16. Coming back to work after vacations, apparently.
  17. Sleep,Eat repeat
  18. Tell me how that goes