My RS is the best. [Contest]

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Brittany, Feb 3, 2018.

  1. Sry I had to add some more points lol
  2. My RS is a fish.

    Tbf he's one of my closest friends here on PIMD and we abuse each other but it's k since he (probably) has my back rofl

    Also he gives pupper pics. ?
  3. Why is my RS the best?
    The reason my rs is the best isn't because of anything really. It's how she does things. Asaria is really nice and the way she is is amazing excpey when she is hungry then I have to feed her. She is an amazing rs. She is kind, generous, loving, and understanding. Something came up and I was going to be inactive. She wasn't like oh ummm I'll rs someone else or anything like that. Asaria said "Ok I wish you the best of luck". I've had a rs before who was like what ummm I'll rs someone else in the mean time. But asaria has pulled through for me many times. THANKS FOR READING.

  4. My RS is the best because she's my best friend too ?

    shes the first girl that ive know when i was just 10kcs ..i guess .. like so low stats and that time she was mcs player .. shes not my rs yet cause we both just have another rs that for stats . yet im still newbie.. but she still wanna be my friends tho .. and month after month .. we both falling in love and start have a "relationship" and few month later .. hmm something happen we just breaking up and i took all the blame to be honest.
    And we didnt even talk for so long , i just keep stalking on her ..she did the same thing.. i miss her a lot . im still remember her promised to "ask me out as RS one day" and i just keep upgrading till this hunt start,she wall me and i was so happy ! and we begin to talk and i thought that she forgot about the promised but then ..BOOM ! she asked me out !!! i feels like my stomachache.. like so happy !and now .. well we both dont know what happen to us next . but we are trying tho .. trying to fix everything . so why shes the best rs ? cause she stay with me ..didnt lose hope ..and still care about me even after all what i did ..she Still there :)
  7. Tell us how you really feel plz.
  8. Don’t be shy

  9. what i really feels is .. i wanna work on this relationship . met in real life . stay together . LOVE ..TRUST ..CARE .UNDERSTAND .. but timezoned killing US .. works .study .. killing us . and there .. problems coming over . idk .. i wish .
  10. awh ty james :)
  11. my rs is the best because he sends me gift and we are always going on dates and we are also best friends.
  12. Aww goals 
  13. My RS is the best because she sends me a gift ? she talk too much in chat  she always cries and moody?she always make some quotes and hugots  she always fight with me  but still i love her ?

    Ps. Not an alt ?
  14. Howcome you made that account recently and know what an alt is?
  15. Its because my RS told me so lah ?
  16. Alright now, I’m about to pull a Jaco. Last warning.

    Alt or not, your entry is valid.
  17. I was just asking a question, please don’t derail your thread.
  18. You don’t need to, I got my contest under control. Worry about you and yours. That’s all.
  19. Whatever floats your boat I guess
  20. I know you’re lurking bb so ima try my best to type out this long ass paragraphMy rs is better than any rs tbh. I’ve known her for years and she’s been through a lot of bs with me, irl and in game, and there’s been some really bs-y bs that we’ve gone through. Even through all of the bs, she’s still my wifey no homo Cec??. She’s the only person I talk to from years ago, since everyone disappeared. or maybe I just lost contact with most of them cOuGh We talk everyday, all day almost all day I appreciate her a lot, even though I might not show it all the time. I love her more than I love anyone else on this game, but I really don’t love too many people on here. She’s the best rs a person could ask for. I’d share her so you all could see how amazing she is, but I’m not the sharing type.