[Game]DESERTED ISLAND - Forumers Edition

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ATAChris, Feb 3, 2018.

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  1. Doesn’t take much effort to just shut up about me ? but you can’t resist because of the salt
  2. This thread is gonna be locked lol
  3. LMFAOOOOO ️
  4. This wouldn’t even be a situation if you wouldn’t have come for me on the other thread. You like to be petty but you lack the receipts to back it up.

    So, don’t come for me and I certainly won’t send for you.
  5. Maybe you lagged ?
  6. But you did come for me straight away on this thread without me even saying anything. Same goes for your squad. ?
  7. My internet on point tho?
  8. Oh you opened the flood gates now LMAO. Just because you ran to a mod to get it locked doesn’t mean it’s over.

    Don’t start none and there won’t be none.
  9. I didn’t even need to run to a mod tbh
  10. She lags after I... nvm
  11. Suree ya didn’t.

    I’m sure you’ve already ran to get this one looked too because snitching is your specialty. Just like when you asked me to snitch on Chiggers username for you.
  12. Let’s switch cause mine is trash 75% if the time
  13. Shhh don’t tell everyone ??
  14. Keep on running that mouth
  15. Stop saying "you came for me," the mods are perverts and will take it out of context. Yes, I'm onnat until they unsilence me fo the inconveince.
  16. Your inferiority complex requires you to have the last word even when you’ve already taken several L’s.

    That’s okay though, you can have it.
    :) like i said, don’t come for me and it’s all good.
  17. Britt really isn’t running anything, just stating facts tbh
  18. Mods take, the phrase "don't come for me," out of context cause they're perverts. That's what they did to me...
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