Good one. That's so funny that... sorry, it's not even funny to joke about you being funny with your basic insults. Tell you what, go find some blocks to play wit and be less annoying.
lmao thats not what people were saying alicia but, if it makes you feel better about your bitter lonely existence, go ahead and think it wasn’t a roast.
My sexual innuendos is comedy. I just don't get props like I should, especially wit da one on this thread.
Sounds kinda funny coming from a salty person like you Also, not considering random players on this app as my "friends" doesn't imply that I live a "bitter lonely existence". Jaco said that that my "friends" confirmed that I was under aged, which was pretty much an invalid statement given that no one on this app actually knows my age or other private information.
Wow alicia? actually writing paragraphs to someone obviously trying to bait her? thats a first. I’ll take that W.
Inaccurate we kno, hoe. ATA knows it too. The only reason why you're still playing is cause you spend so much of yo parent's money off their credit cards on here. I thought Vag was yo friend, but I guess not. You prolly don't have friends tho, cause people try to be nice to yo illiterate ass and you still do/insist some dumb shít. It's about dat time you shut da fùck up and re-enroll in middle school, since you dropped out.
You're not pure anything, except fo pure trash. My claims? Claims? A moderator spoke out against you. A mod. Mods don't even pay attention to forums bullshìt, but she called you out and STILL has everyone laughing at you. It's like you being a bully and the new kid says, "shut up, bìtch," and you just took it. You took dat insult wit no lube, Felicia. I kno dat hurt. @ATA see, y'all need to hire me fo da sexual innuendos on items.
Show me proof dat you aren't 14. People can confirm I can legally vote, what about you tho? Can you even get a license? Guys don't like you, I'd suggest you try changing yo gender tho. Girls might feel sorry fo you... and let you kiss their ass