Real News Stories that make you LOL: 1

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kefo, Dec 31, 2017.

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  1. - not original content -

    > A Palestinian terrorist woman tries to detonate a car bomb at a checkpoint.
    > Ends up only causing a fire in her car,
    > resulting in her sustaining serious burns on her face, hands, back and chest,
    > and resulting in her hand being amputated.

    And in typical Palestinian style, their Pallywood wizards have found a way to blame her hand amputation on Israel.

    You read that correctly: she already had 8 fingers amputated following the attempted detonation. So losing her hand really means losing her remaining two fingers.

    And what is deliberate negligence? Negligence is by definition a form of carelessness.

    Incidentally, her story involves more lameness.

    Her family says the incident was an accident and the fire in her car was caused by a faulty domestic gas cylinder she had in the back seat while she was in the process of moving to a new home in East Jerusalem — a decision she made so as to retain her Jerusalem residency.

    And I am sure her shouting “Allah Akbar” (God is the greatest) right before the explosion was because she was just so happy to be moving house.

    Liar liar, pants (and everything else) on fire.

    When you were excited to become a martyr but you just end up becoming an eternal meme.
  2. Great meme.
  3. regardless of your background kefo , Palestine will be free again its matter of time .
    last war Isreal admitted to lose agaisnt Lebanon and since then Isreal was never same . Its funny how the supposedly greatest military in middle east lost to militia with little fire power .
    much respect to Ahed a 16 years old girl currently in isreal prison who with no fear attacked with her hands group of army. With such determination soon we will be celebrating in al aqsa and kiamah church
  4. Go and find the farfour declaration.
    Anger and Hatred don't make you right.
  5. ok let me refresh your mind on how isreal was established , zionist asked sultan abdel hamid to sell them palestine , he refused , few days later the he was dethroned .
    jews were sent to palestine in huge numbers where they formed militia and sfarted terrorizing same citizens and killing innocents
    yeah you are right palestinian are bad people for deffending their land
  6. ans to be honest , the only thing that makes me lol here is your ignorance
  7. Your time line is missing some events.
    Some Jews were migrating into the land while it was under Ottoman rule. Then this Sultan began to restrict access to the migratory Jews.
    At this stage, Herzl approached him and asked him what the deal was, the dude was like "No more Jews" and Herzl was like "dude, this is like Mecca. We need it man" and he was like "Nah" and Herzl was like "I'll do whatever you want" and then the dude was like "Nah, it's not mine to give away, it BeLoNgS tO ThE WhOlE OtToMaN EmPirE"

    He also said
    "We give what we have the way we got it in the first place."
    Basically meaning through violence, and bloodshed.

    So the question is, If there was some Israeli military and they conquered the land, would they be justified in owning it according to you? Because the Sultan would have approved. Sadly the UN and modern world disagree, and we all agree that the means by which he got it were unjust and unethical.

    So before you try to call some minor militias bad for trying to keep their people safe, and occasionally being dicks about it. Try to put that into perspective.

    By the Sultan's own words, any means with which Israel owns the land, it is right to own it. There's no real beating around the bush. His position is that even if you have to kill people for it, it's alright.

    Truth is that the root of your claim is that Jews didn't have a proper military capable of fucking up the region as much as the Ottomans did in capturing it through all-out War. So they have no right to the land.
    You're describing plots and dethronings and some diplomatic talks. What shenanigans happened for the Ottomans to claim the land? Or those before them?

    A major point, however, is that it wasn't up the the Ottomans whether the State of Israel would be established. The British won it from them so they got to choose. Are you denying the rights of the British to the land also?
  8. But this is a meme without any comment on politics. Why did you have to bring it up?
  9. History is in the past for a reason. This isn’t some life story catch-up lesson. Lord I thought this was supposed to be a meme.
  10. first of all , changing what j said by quoting me proof how much a fool you an be
    second i made no reference to the bible or islam i simply said palestine
    third , large portion of jews are against estblisbing state of isreal and organize demonstrations every now and then so palestine is not the land of jewa but simplt for palestenian regardless of their religions
    finally you cant make joke about such things without expecting some critisizing and some history lessons which apparently you need much
  11. its funny you started by palestenian terrorist and forgeting that isreal is built on rerrorizing unarmed people
  12. Holy damn I get that you have issues but nobody asked
  13. what issues ? you are trying to make fun of struggle of people
    yeah sorry but id rather face you with logic over the bs you prefer to use
    plus its public thread, if other's opinions bothers you , you can keep your opinion private
  15. yea, anyway, free palestine.
    sorry dont have an application to change url to pic ( usually i use phtobucket ) but let me introduce you to mohammad darra and his child , two unarmed men killed without mercy but isreal army .
    notice how the father was protecting his kid and begging them not to kill the kid , yet both were shot with cold blood, yeah man those terrorist palestinian are scary
  17. dude those are people with cause , sorry but i cant bash you same way you bash them because last time i got warning for simply sayi g ( are jew kidding me ) yet you can post tastless jokes and get mad when i simply demonstrate how ignorant people like you can be
  18. Forgot the part where the joke was tasteless or where it opposes any group.

    Just... Not gonna bother arguing about that 18 year old piece of emotional media that may not even be true.

    But seeing how you're throwing examples of shocking scenes and asking me to defend them, here, you can have one too.
    Justify this -
    A 19-year old Palestinian assailant climbed a fence and infiltrated the Israeli settlement village of Halamish during Shabbat on July 21, 2017. The teen attacker broke into a home where an Israeli family had just finished Shabbat dinner and stabbed three of the family members to death, seriously injuring a fourth.

    This is my last post relating to politics. You can make a new thread for it if you like.
  19. oh boy one teen stabbed a couple people, i guess all the airstrikes murdering hundreds of palestinians on their own land are irrelevant now! a palestinian was finally fed up enough with the slaughtering of their people over the rights to THEIR OWN COUNTRY that they sought revenge in any means necessary as a testament to the desperation of their situation....,, that totally makes palestine the bad guys now :)
  20. Kitten you should make the laws.
    First one:
    - All Palestinian Violence is Justified because they are the Victims and don't disrupt peace or contribute to conflict in any way.

    Second one:
    - There is no such thing as a fair fight unless you are too weak to win. There is always an oppressor and the oppressed, and the weaker one is always right because they are oppressed.

    Conflict theory doesn't apply universally. I'm sorry. Or at least it seems redundant and inept to me when applied to an entity that is simultaneously the oppressed and the oppressor.
    Guess I may need to read more, but there's a hegemony in the middle-east and the palestinian entity is an colonial extension of that hegemony.

    Wrestling with dad, and he gives you his thumb to pin down. Looks at the thumb and demands it be liberated while he pins your feet and knees.

    That's the last thing I've got to say. I'm out. Have good lives. :(
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