Opinions often differ and collide. Strap up, are you down to ride? Let's look at a particular minority that has many on its hide. Come along mentally for a stride. Let's calmly discuss gay pride. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning or queer. It's the discussion of the year. How can anyone judge a preference if they don't understand a choice clear? People come out the closet everyday, because they can't hoodwink the reflection in the mirror. Many express fear. Worried about the opinions of peers... Family, friends, coworkers, it doesn't matter who are the peope. Everybody in the universe is equal. It's not about nature, it's about nurture. Everyone was born not knowing what they like. We decide our favorites and what to dislike. Some are anti LGBTQ, but never take the time to understand their choice. Oh BTW, stand up, you have a voice. One nation under God, that includes all of us. In God we trust, so getting along is a must. Being different isn't always wrong, but being different leads to a path that's long. Whether being gay is right or wrong, stand the hell up and be proud. Never fold to the opinions of a majority crowd. Hold your heads high, and wipe the tears away from each eye. Boldly, express who you are, and don't be shy. Please, understand the message. Get this off your chest. Don't give in to the stress. Honestly, all you have to do is never give up and do your best. Remain courageous and nothing less. Opinions often differ and collide. Strap up, are you down to ride? Let's look at a particular minority that has many on its hide. Come along mentally for a stride. Let's calmly discuss gay pride. It doesn't matter whether you're gay or straight. Our equality and equity isn't up for debate. Let the bonds of our mutual understandings demonstrate, that we can negotiate, to make the world a better place. You choose what you want to like, and choose what you want to dislike. Someday the realization of us all needing each other will hit harder than Tina did Ike. It doesn't matter what gender you are, prefer, or even attracted to. All that matters is that you're you, and you're important too.
I didn’t read any of it. But keep up the good works. Maybe use less words and add some pictures, since people enjoy pictures these days
It is funny that you write about this when you don't understand it yourself, op. You said sexual orientation is a choice but any gay, bi, pans will tell you it is not. The choice is whether to be open about it, keep it secret or plainly repress it, but who you love lr feel attracted to is not a free concious choice.
Openly gay people have already come out and said that it's a choice. In defense of him, who's barely active, I'll have to say you're wrong. No one is forcing them to like the same sex. We all have the option to pick what we like. It's not a genetic thing either or something you're born wit. It develops over time. The only time someone is forced to be gay, is in prison.
If it was a choice gay men would sleep with women (vise Versa for lesbians). But they don’t because they are simply not attracted to women, their brain just says no. Don’t get me wrong yes, many gay and lesbian women have slept with the opposite gender. But they just simply didn’t enjoy it. You can’t help or change who you’re attracted to. If you could then sexual orientation would be a choice
if being gay was a choice most gay people wouldn't even choose to be gay because of all the discrimination they get. may i remind you, its actually legal in certain countries to legitimately kill any gay people if there is proof of them being gay. why would anyone choose to be gay if their life is literally in danger? you're an idiot jaco. just as i've said multiple times before.
See the ignorance? Jfc!!!! It doesnt matter if it is genetic or if it is due to Edipo's unsolved complex, whether one or other, it is not a choice. No one gay could have truly said it is a choice. Most openly gay people says it is something you are born with. I am not sure of that, but as a gay myself I say I DID NOT CHOOSE TO FEEL ATTRACTED TO THE SAME GENDER, if I could, I would have been straight. That would have saved me a lot of anguish, anxiety, depression, etc., tbh. The sexual pulsion is NOT a choice. It is the most ignorant thing to state that. Please, legit inform yourself before talking nonsense.
Also please learn some basics of psychology. Skin color isn't a choice, either, however by your logic, I could say "no one pointed you with a gun telling you to be black, so being black is your choice." Damn idiotic, right? :lol:. The pulsion is not a choice, the conduct is. If a lesbian, due to her religiosity, chooses tl remain chaste, being a nun and repress every little sexual thought, that doesn't make her any less lesbian, but according to Jehova's witness' books, she would't be in sin, because being gay itself isn't the sin, but the gay conduct/acts and fantasies are.