
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Static25, Nov 29, 2017.

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  1. Goddamn write a novel next time!
    We gotta read ya bars like chapters
    I almost fell asleep, kid
    You bout as real as these actors!

    Ay but if my bish callin you a goat
    Just know she talkin bout appearance
    And if she say tl;dr
    She aint tryin read your queer shht.

    I tried to get her to read it
    But she claimed her IQ is slighly higher
    So we're not purchasing your bullshht
    Youll have to find another buyer!

    Seriously put up some fliers!
    Tell em how dope you are, tell em u spit fire
    Tell em you got rap by the handle like some pliers
    And watch em laugh in the face of this goddamned liar

    Chill, you funny like comedians
    Hate to say it, but face it, youre basic
    Your flow beats it own meat again
    After it busts... I'm bettin you taste it!

    Creepy ass boi
  2. oh, did your other account get perm banned? :lol:
  3. The only difference is I’m only at about a 3 right now and he’s been demolished 2 times already. That’s an L.
  4. Yeah you're right Static!,
    these chumps are dead-pan & basic, they dont even compare to us,
    - but within no time,
    when we chat our rhymes,
    we will catopault them out of our matrix.
    Graveyardbaby asked around to find out the history of The Kaw Cypher crew,
    it aint that hard to find out about us,
    because our names are written on the stars :- unlike you !
    We are multi talented and multi-dimensional,
    Whereas you GraveyardBaby are just drab,bland,boring and unmentional.
    Even Team 10 wrote about you aka "Who the flippin hell are you? "
    We are on all the lips throughout the ATA grapevine,
    because of our notorious legacy, but ask around about you? What are you even known for?
    We were inundated" Warning, Stay at arms length from Gbaby:- she is a pimd outcast & joke riddled with leprosy,
    Don't touch or get too close
    or you'll be opening deaths door.
  5. Demolished more like the previous rap competition was rigged and all the judges were friendsand given gifts to give more points to you chillz.
  6. All that i see when i read chillz work is //// and a whole lot of dots.But what expertise is written inbetween?Clearly evident not a lot.
    All he writes is i got your girl, she is more into me than you, ////and some more damm dots. You a hotshot?
    I think not.
    Thunder dominates you here on pimd,
    all his threads are proof of that.
    It's so sad to read how you became such a bully,toxic and nasty to him just because he has a rap talent that you've yet to master.
    So you turn to your groupies to bully Thunder also ,I am loving Thunders poetry he writes word perfect without a fault , Shame on you for your bullying ways,
    you need to man up and say sorry, and the bullying you need to halt,
    jealousy got the best of you,
    cause all eyes are on Thunder,
    & leaving you out of view.
  7. Whatever... bring it to RapChat then. No Bias there... playing field would be completely even.
    Write your lyrics here... and post the link to your audio there.

    You have 2 days... starting from now.

    Plenty of time.

    Man up


    sit down.

    If you don’t post, never compare our writing again, and leave my name out of your corny ass limericks.

    You guys take hours to write the nerdiest shít and never drop even one clever bar. There are a multitude of different ways to combine words to come up with at least a solid jab. But instead, you guys use a bunch of predictable lame recycled and outdated forced rhymes or weak rebuttles that sound like they are straight out of dungeons vs dragons or a wizard card deck. It’s extra lame. You lost your own #Barchallenge. Now, either save it for the 2018 battle or post your link and get your ass handed to you. It’s bar for bar verse for verse not who can keep typing the longest after they have been smashed repeatedly :lol: get it together... When you lose this time... don’t say it’s rigged again. Take your deserved L like a man.
  8. Dude beating on his own chest,
    Gettin rekt at his own game.
    Hes Mr Bigshot on pimd?
    Nobodies put #respect on his name!
    Its kind of embarrassing
    Dude fired cuz his checks tired
    No wonder he plays this game
    He couldnt hack it on Heckfire!!
    Role-playing with the kids
    Boy stick to what you're good at
    Go rap in ya Cul de sac
    Meanwhile the hood got my back.
  9. Then come to RapChat and let the hood vote on it...

    2 days... tick... tock.
  10. The only predictable one is you mr ////// and some more figgin dots, let's make it go live on a 3rd party app group call,
    i garuntee you'll be the only one getting lock-jaw,take a nose-dive,and hit a wall.
    And the egg chillz will get toppled and take a fall.
    A fall from grace is whats in your destiny chillz so really do the right thing and appollogise to Thunder and embrace.
    You should be congratulating
    him on his cleverly written ryhmes.
    It just goes to show you aint fully matured,
    else envy wouldnt have taken over,
    and you would have kept a tight-lip and endured.
    Another member to the hardly recognizable Pimd rap scene,
    is always a plus-1,
    but not for chillz he can only deal,
    with having only his hands on the pimd rap wheel.
    But the only wheel you in control of and driving,
    is your van of entourage and groupie embiciles.
  11. Bet... let’s do it live... I don’t care what medium you idiots decide to challenge me in... You’re about to sound really stupid as soon as you hear my voice. It will be evident immediately that you fúgged up. Send a pm and invite me. You have about 30 mins or till my attention span runs out. I don’t have all day... let’s end the bs.
  12. And you aint calling the shots chillz, this is statics thread he is the who overrides it all and says what goes.So do drop your he-man and bossy high n mighty talk.
  13. Dude cant handle it, Q. Hahahaha. No wonder he scared to death of Choc! Little ol KaW put Chill jive ass in his place.
  14. Chillz never had the guts to come over on kaw and counter our visit. No he stays in his coccoon here on pimd too afraid to step out of the pimd perimeters and as Static stated meet real men and adults.
  15. Wait! I wanna join in on the group call if it happens
  16. You’re backing down from YOUR OWN challenge? :lol: You said let’s make it live I said fine... you fake af... sit down somewhere and read the bible or something... meditate and try to find yourself.
  17. You have 15 minutes... chop chop 
  18. Tbh everyone pm third party id I'll put this together in a few min
  19. Time’s up. I don’t want to hear any nonsense about you paytoplayundercoverdatingappnerds coming at me talking about bars. Only bars you’ve ever had were probably braces. Stay in your lane. Good talk.
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