Black Friday Extension and a Message From the Devs

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Jean, Nov 25, 2017.

  1. the leaderboard issue will be fixed after promo

    can you perhaps ss the bank issue? i see no problems with it on any device

  2. Loooooooooooooser*
  4. Right lmfao bigots are everywhere
  5. Lmao y'all cant make one comment without proving Canada is full of words Im not allowed to say, gheesh.
  6. Then uninstall if you don’t like it
  7. sorry, do you need a safe space, snowflake?
  8. Shhh you'll trigger her even more.
  9. Nah, I just stay outta Canada and life's great.

    I assure you there are no safe spaces, when the space weapons come into play there will be no where to hide. Especially from your delicate feelings.
  10. Hopefully the space weapons hit you first
  11. i feel like this compensation is more than fair
    thanks for making it up to us, ATA ?️
  12. Thank you ATA
  13. Need to keep fcc for another day 
  14. Thanks ata! You listen?!?!?
  15. Thanks ATA Bless and Happy Holidays
  16. Can we get more ec sales?
  18. who bought ata and wanted to start fresh?
  19. Tysm ATA
  20. Ty ATA for making a nice day to all of us.