Last anime you watched?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Mizuichi, Nov 21, 2017.

  1. Kaneki!!! Omg hahaha
  2. Tokyo ghoul & Yuri on ice!!!
  3. O high school DXD hero is coming out later
  4. Kiss him, not me
  5. Shokugeki no souma season 3 
  6. Princess Mononoke ?
  7. Last anime watched : Nanatzu no Taizai (Seven Deadly Sins)

    Last anime re-watched : Highschool of the Dead
  8. Anime is for 10y/o
  9. Cory in the house
  10. Twin Exorcist Stars or smth like this
  11. Hunter x Hunter.. 
  12. Akame ga kill. No wait dragon ball super ?
  13. Black Clover, still ongoing ?
  14. The one where they showered naked.
  15. The Daily Life of High School Boys 
  16. Infinite Stratos
  17. Oh my goodness, it's been forever since I watched that!!