The Mistress (a secret tale of ninjas)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Lexy_Morgan, Jul 4, 2011.

  1. Nice story Alexandra keep it up
    - DiamondXWolf
  2. BUMP! Can't wait for the next chapter tomorrow!
  3. CONTINUE SOON OR I SHALL EAT UR ARM!!!!._.breezy cant wait
  4. BUMP
  5. I woke up really early the following day and found the whole place eerily quiet.
    After talking to Selina for about two hours while I was unpacking some of my things, I was called to the Headmaster's office.
    Uncle Matt introduced me to the clan's guardians, Katarina and Declan. They're both in their late 20s and are very talented ninjutsu instructors. Although they are not teachers, but more of...well, guardians.
    Katarina has really long, silky black hair and dark brown eyes, she stands a little taller than me and she looks fierce and kind at the same time. Declan, however, is the opposite of Katarina. He's really tall, has silver-ish blonde hair and blue wrinkly eyes. He looked a little older than his actual age, he's cockily funny and thinks I'm a little girl.

    I grabbed my uniform from my dresser, believe it or not, the uniform is really cliche. It's a ninja robe, the kind that we see in television and movies. There's also a hood that comes with it, but you're only supposed to hang it around your belt and use it only during practicals, whatever that is. I went to the bathroom and took a quick cold shower to fully wake me up.
    I looked at myself in the mirror. The bags under my brown eyes are slowly vanishing, and my black hair is up for the first time in weeks. I looked like a true ninja. In training.
    I heard a loud crash somewhere down the hall and I immediately ran out of the room.

    As soon as I got out, I blur passed by and I followed it to the end of the hallway. The string smell of roses hit my senses when the person halted and turned to face me.
    "You're next!" it whispered, loud enough for me to hear and soft enough to startle me.
    Then it leapt out of the window and vanished into the dawn.

    I stood there, frozen. The smell of roses and the image of the intruder stuck in my head. It's eyes were not blue nor brown, not even green. It was red... glowing red.

    "Lillian!" I heard someone call me, but I stood still and stared at the open window.
    "Lillian!" Someone was in front of me and was shaking me out of my daze. My heart started beating fast and felt my face heat up. I looked at the person shaking me and found Katarina.
    My eyes rolled and I collapsed.

    I flickered my eyes open and I found myself in a white room. Clinic.
    Then the light was blocked by a big head smiling wide.
    "What's up, kiddo?" Declan said waving his hands right on my face. I grunted and turned my face to the right where Katarina and Uncle Matt are talking quietly.
    "Am I late for my class?" I asked, trying to sit up, but Declan pushed me back down and called the other two over.
    "No. It's only 6 in the morning," Uncle Matt said, his eyes etched with worry, then I remembered.
    "What happened to me?" I asked.
    "Honey, we can't be sure right now... can you tell us what happened?" Katarina asked, hands on her forehead.
    "I heard something crash outside and I went to check... then this blur passed me by, and it stopped by the window. It looked at me like it was surprised to see me there, and it said 'you're next' and jumped out," I summarized quickly, "and there's this smell... roses. There's this strong scent of roses when it passed by me," I continued.
    Katarina's face was full of sad realization as she turned to Uncle Matt and Declan.
    "They're back..."

    I opened the door to the dorm and found Selina dressing up. She looked at me and her eyes grew wide.
    "Where were you!? I was so worried when I woke up and you're gone! What happened, are you okay?!" she held me by my shoulders and shook me slightly.
    "Yeah... sorry, I was at the clinic... I felt a little dizzy when I woke up," I lied
    "Okay," she released me from her tight grip and looked at my uniform "you're dressed, that's good... grab your things and let's get going!" she pulled me into the room and pushed me to my side.
    "Wait, I don't know my schedule..." I said, grabbing my things.
    "There's no schedule... all of us have the same classes every day. Only some are in advanced classes," she said as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. I nodded.
    The clan must really be small...

    I pushed the door open and everyone stopped what they were doing. The class is weaponry.
    The room was big and there was about 20-30 students gathered around the room on the floor.
    Selina pulled me towards one group of students and everyone's eyes were glued to me.

    "Meet the fun folks, Lil," she smiled and pulled me down to sit.
    "You're rooming with her?" a girl with straight dirty blonde hair and really bright blue eyes asked with wide eyes.
    "Yeah, why?" Selina asked, confused.
    "She's Lillian Hollow!" another girl with wavy blonde hair and sky blue eyes exclaimed.
    "I know... so?" Selina looked more confused, my face was probably reflecting her confusion and we looked at each other.
    "She's...uh forget it!" this rusty haired girl with greyish eyes raised her hand in surrender and looked at me "I'm Luka," she held out her hand and I took it.
    "Lil" I said.
    Then they took turns introducing themselves.
    "I'm Halley," the first girl said, "and she's Kaylee," she referred to the second girl.
    Just then, I noticed two more groups of students staring at us. Staring at me.
    The other one was an all-boys group and the other group just looked intimidating.
    "Don't mind them now, they're just...curious," Kaylee said, throwing a sideway glare to the boys group.
    "And the other one?" I asked, referring to the group who were all at the front of the class, talking and staring at me.
    "Those are the leaders I was talking to you about. They're advanced students." Selina explained.

    The door slammed open and a dark figure entered the room. Everyone fell quiet, even the leaders. The huge figure stopped in front of the class and removed his hood.
    "Hey little girl!" he waved at me with a smile.
    I rolled my eyes.


    In TM's pressure, here's a post lol more characters next chapter ^_^
  6. I glared at Declan as I stood up together with all the students. They all bowed in greeting and I mimicked their actions.
    "Good news to you students, we don't have much to do today... except see what level Lillian is supposed to be in," he smiled widely at me and called me over.
    I walked over in front of Declan-Master Declan-and glared at him again, "I am NOT a little girl," I said.
    "We'll see about that, kiddo," he smirked.
    He brought out a box, full of weapons, I presumed.
    "I'm going to need help," he said, looking at the 'leaders' and they nodded and went beside him, behind the big box.
    "Bring it." I narrowed my eyes and ducked as the first disc was thrown.
    I looked around the room to search for the right places to go to and noticed most of the other students are on one corner. I furrowed my eyebrows and saw a thin line that separates them from me.
    I sent a high kick to an incoming set of shuriken and found one of the 'leaders' advancing. Her hair was straight and black, and she had it up on a tight pony tail, her eyes resembled an almond due to its light brown-ness. She stared at me and I stared back while I dodged other attacks.
    She raised her eyebrows in surprise at what I was doing. I was slowly advancing towards her as I dodged every weapon thrown at me.
    "Let's dance," I said when I was close enough.
    It's true that I wasn't sent to a ninja school. I was sent to normal schools with teenagers who doesn't know what evil is lurking around them. I was trained solely by my father and some of our guards.
    I winked at the girl and she vanished and reappeared behind me.
    I have great sense of hearing and I was able to duck as she sent a chop.
    I noticed that the other leaders and Declan stopped throwing and watched me defend myself from this girl.
    I slid from side to side, backwards and jumped. All these while being graceful. As if I was dancing to a quiet music in my head.
    I closed my eyes and listened carefully to all her moves. Hearing is my best sense.
    "That's enough," I snapped my eyes open and saw Declan ushering everyone back to the center of the room, then he turned to me, "I'll see you after class, kiddo," he smirked and walked out of the room.
    "Isn't he the instructor?" I asked to no one in particular.
    "No, he's the guardian... he was just here to test your skills," the girl I 'danced' with said and she held out her hand "I'm Kylah," she smiled.
    "Lillian," I said, taking her hand.
    "These are the other leaders..." she said and pointed to the leaders behind her.
    One by one, they introduced themselves.
    "I'm Amanda, I'm the team leader," this girl whose hair is a mix of red, electric blue, violet and green and have eyes that are thick with eyeliner held out her hand and I shook it. I never expected the team leader to look like her. At all. She has piercing on her eyebrow and both her ears. Excessively.
    The next girl was a redhead with emerald eyes that seemed to burn a hole through me as she stared at me with an empty smile, "I'm Liberty," she said and instantly looked away when I took her hand.
    Next was a boy who has ruffled dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes. He had a dimple on his left cheek when he smiled, "Kingsley. Nice to meet you, Lillan," he took my hand and gave it a kiss. I felt my cheeks burn and I just smiled at him.
    "Hey, I'm Keegan," a guy with black spiky hair and dull blue eyes said, shaking my hand.
    "That one over there is Mickayla," they pointed to a blonde girl talking to Selina and her friends.
    "Welcome to the Academy, Lillian. From what I saw, you look like you're on the same level as us," Amanda said, smiling.
    "Thanks...and uhm, you can call me Lil," I said "catch you later," I gave a small wave and made my way to the girls.

    After about five minutes, the real instructor came in, followed by Uncle Matt.
    "Does this happen every day?" I whispered to Kaylee who was beside me. She shook her head and focused on the headmaster.
    "We come in with grave news, children. We received a report about an attack in Northridge Academy last night. So we are going to tighten security and will ask you to follow the following new rules as imposed by me, the headmaster," Uncle Matt looked tired and worried as he took the paper from the instructor's hand.
    "Starting tonight, every student should be in their respective dorms by 9 in the evening," he cleared his throat "no one shall leave their rooms before 6 in the morning unless you are called out," he gave me a sideway glance and continued reading the new rules which included not going anywhere outside of campus alone and weekends being closed door to visitors temporarily.

    During lunch, I was briefed by my new friends about the student body and the instructors. Who to avoid and who to keep close.
    "God I hate Duncan!!" Luka slumped on her chair and pouted, her eyebrows furrowed.
    "What did he do this time?" Halley asked, shaking her head.
    "He 'accidentally' poured his drink on my food," she said with so much hatred that I flinched.
    "Can I ask who this Duncan is?" I asked. Seline pointed to a table occupied by the group of boys staring at me earlier.
    "The tall one with blonde hair," she said.
    I studied the group carefully and my eyes almost popped when I saw someone very familiar.
    "Kaylee...? Are you...? Do you...?" I pointed to a boy who looked exactly like her except he was taller and have a short darker blonde hair.
    "Oh yeah, that's my twin, Kyle," she laughed at my reaction.
    "You could have told me that earlier! I thought you have some kind of ability to be on the same place at the same time!" I exclaimed.
    They laughed at me and I turned to look back to the group.
    There were 6 of them in the group and they were all laughing at something that Duncan said.
    "Jace is checking you out, Lil," Selina elbowed me and nodded her head towards one of the boys.
    Sure enough, a guy with wavy blonde hair and narrowed brown eyes stared at me, smiling.
    I instantly turned away and continued eating my lunch.

    "I can't bloody believe that ninjas have to take Maths!" I cursed as I walked towards the classroom with Selina, Mickayla and Nikki, a girl who just got in from the clinic because she got into a fight with a random student. She had long brown hair and brown eyes that always glares back at students who, as I was told, already got into a fight with her in the past. She's not the most favorite classmate around the school.
    Selina laughed, but agreed with me, "I don't even know how it's relevant to ninjutsu."
    "Oh cr*p, I left my book in our room!" I already stopped and turned to leave "I'll catch up!" I said as I jogged to the opposite direction, towards the dorms.

    When I was out of sight, I jogged faster towards our room. The halls were creepy when there's no one else around. The walls were made of dark maple wood and the floor was cemented and...shiny.
    I was suddenly pinned on the wall and I tried to scream, but my mouth was covered and I thrashed around. I was being held by 3 pairs of hands and they were holding me tight.
    "Let her go, dumbass!" one voice said.
    "You're hurting her!" another one whisper-shouted.
    "Let her go." a commanding voice boomed.
    Instantly, I was released and I looked up to find a smirking Duncan.
    "What do you want?" I asked, annoyed.
    "We like to introduce ourselves in style," he whispered, leaning in.
    "Go away," I mumbled.
    "After I introduce you to my crew, Lillian." he whispered, right to my ear, making me shiver involuntarily.
    I stared up at him when he backed away. I put my hand on my hips and glared, "well?!"
    "Oh right, here's my best bud, Danny," he grabbed a guy with long-ish black hair and really dark brown eyes that looks black from afar. He glared at Damon, and it made me doubt their 'best bud' relationship.
    "Hey. Don't mind Declan, he's an a-hole," he said, extending his hand for me to take. I realized he was the first guy I heard earlier.
    "This one's Jace," he referred to the guy who stared at me during lunch. And all other subjects.
    "Hi," he said shyly, his face turning red. He must know that I know he's staring, right? We're ninjas after all.
    "Hey, I'm Kyle, Kaylee's twin," another boy said, and I instantly recognized him from lunch.
    "And this last one is Kevin," Duncan said, grabbing him to a headlock. Kevin waved into the lock.
    "We're the hottest guys around, if you haven't noticed," Duncan smirked, flexing one of his arms.
    "What an airhead," I said and pushed my way out "I believe you're done with the introductions now?" I said, not really waiting for an answer.
    "Feisty," I heard him say with a laugh.
    I shook my head and continued my way to the dorm.
    I'm late and I did not like it.
    Duncan is going to pay for it.

    "I get inside info through my brother, because he's a babble mouth," Kaylee laughed, after I told them what happened earlier.
    "Who's that?" I asked, out of the blue, when I saw a new girl run to the leaders.
    "That's Krystal. She's one of them," Luka said, clutching her things tighter.
    "She was sent on an exchange student program last month," Halley explained.
    "Ah-huh..." I said absentmindedly as I stared at the girl talking animatedly with the leaders.
    I quickly turned around when I noticed her turning her head. To look at me, I'm sure.
    When I turned, my eyes landed on Liberty. She was staring at me with those piercing green eyes from her dorm, two floors up.

    "What time is it?" I asked, looking up from my homework.
    Yes, we have homework's. Math homework's.
    "Almost time for curfew," Halley muttered, standing up, grabbing her books.
    "See you girls tomorrow, I still have to do my night exercises," Kaylee said.
    I looked at her "night exercises?" I asked.
    "Don't ask. It makes my brain bleed just watching her..." Luka said, massaging her temple.
    "I hate Maths," Selina said, keeping her books in her drawer.
    "It's Math, who does---," we all turned towards the ceiling where a loud screech, followed by a scream echoed, then it was followed by multiple things crashing!
    And then there was silence.

    My heartbeat tripled when a scent hit me. Roses.
    "Lil?" I turned to the door, but there was nothing to see or hear.
    The scent got stronger and I started to get a little dizzy.
    "Lillian, are you okay?" Selina asked, they were starting to panic. I can hear it through their voices.
    The scent was coming closer. As if it was right in front of me. Right above me.
    I quickly ducked and rolled to the right just as a katana slid from the ceiling to the floor where I stood moments ago.
    Then there was a voice coming from the hole.
    "You're next!" it whisper-hissed.
    The door burst open and then everything stood still.


    Are my updates too long? I'm not good at short updates! lol x_x
  8. Ur updates r good!! >.< teeeeellllllll meeeeeeeee immmmmmmm noooooooot aaaaaa baaaaaad guuuuuuy!!!!! I did sign up!*pokes Alex until she puts me in her story*
  9. Lol yes Bree ur in there, ur going to he on the next chapter lol (and ur a good guy!!)

    And thanks girls ;)
  10. My charecter is angry alot. Me likey!!!
  11. I wanna be in it lmao. I ciuldnt find tge sign up tread thou. Name's chloe and u can imagine her up! Jusr has ta be chloe. :). It ok to decline. Im
    Not worth ur bother lol
  12. Mister and Chloe! Sure u can :D mister, give me ur character ^_^ and Chloe, is the name all u want?
  13. Uhh... imma put ninja descrip.


    Height: 5'7

    Appearance: Brunette, pretty, violet mesmerizing eyes, pink plump lips and pale skin, medium hair, front hair does swish and back hair does opposite.

    Clothing: Casual: Black T-shirt with lots of small pink stars. Black Headphones with a small star, black miniskirt and neon pink boots.

    Ninja: You decide lol.

  14. Calum.
    I'm a sexy ninja

    Hight: 5'4

    Sex: boy


    •Silk suit
    •black tie
    •Gold watch
    •diamond ring
    •Top coat
    • top hat
    •Black shades
    • white gloves


    Looks: tanned
    Long hair
    Blue eyes
    Brown hair
  15. Mister, I just realized that ur already in it, but in later chapters xD